

In this paper, we tease out the transliterations in the documents transliterated in Chinese characters such as Hua yi yi yu and Lulongsai lüe, and in Latin Dictionnaire Mongol-Russe-Français (Kowalewski 1844–1849), and study when and how the affricates /*tʃh/ and /*tʃ/ in initial position of Pro-to-Mongolian diversified in Khalkha. We conclude that the time of diversification of /*tʃh/ and /*tʃ/ was no later than the 19th century. More precisely, it was between 1610 and 1844, and the sound change was conditioned by the short vowel -i- following the affricates. However, the ultimate formation of the four affricates in Khalkha is a result of the competition between the Rule of Diversification (Rule I) and the Rule of Fracture (Rule II), which operated in the same period and under the same condition.


本文对汉字注音文献《华夷译语》《卢龙塞略》和 Dictionnaire Mongol-Russe-Français(蒙俄法词典)(Kowalewski 1844–1849) 中的标音进行了细致的梳理,研究了原始蒙古语词首塞擦音/*tʃh/和/*tʃ/在喀尔喀方言中分化的时间和条件。我们认为/*tʃh/和/*tʃ/在喀尔喀方言中分化的时间不晚于19世纪,即在1610–1844年之间完成;而分化的条件则与*tʃh-和*tʃ-后面紧跟的短元音-i-相关。喀尔喀方言中四个塞擦音的最终形成是"分化规律"(规律一)和"转折规律"(规律二)在同一时间内、同一条件下相互竞争的结果。

