"Doing Rano" among the Kaili of Central Sulawesi: A Choreomusicological Analysis of the Body as Cultural Locus of the Sound-Movement Continuum
- Asian Music
- University of Texas Press
- Volume 50, Number 2, Summer/Fall 2019
- pp. 33-57
- 10.1353/amu.2019.0014
- Article
- Additional Information
This article revisits Anglophone conceptualizations of music and dance through an investigation of the interconnectivity of sound, lyric, and movement in rano. A customary tradition among the Kaili ethnic group of Central Sulawesi, Indonesia, rano is based on the execution of circular movements within a single melodic cycle that includes the extemporaneous construction of sung verses. Considering intersections of analytical strategies regarding sound in ethnomusicology and movement in ethnochoreology, this article posits the body as cultural locus for the examination of the sound-movement continuum in Southeast Asian traditions.
Artikel ini meninjau ulang konseptualisasi musik dan tari Anglophone melalui penelusuran interkonektivitas pada ihwal suara, lirik, dan gerakan dalam Rano. Tradisi adat suku Kaili di Sulawesi Tengah, Indonesia, Rano didasarkan pada eksekusi gerakan melingkar dalam satu putaran melodi yang di dalamnya mencakup konstruksi "spontan" atas ayat-ayat yang dinyanyikan. Dengan mempertimbangkan pertautan antara strategi analitik mengenai suara dalam etnomusikologi dan gerakan dalam etnokoreologi, artikel ini memosisikan tubuh sebagai lokus budaya guna penilikan akan rangkaian suara-gerak pada tradisi-tradisi di Asia Tenggara.