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Forum on Black New Orleans [featuring Lawrence N. Powell, Jessica Marie Johnson, Erin M. Greenwald, and Leslie M. Harris]. Jour. Af. Am. Hist., v. 103, Fall, 637–63.
Aiello, Thomas. "Do We Have Any Men to Follow in Her Footsteps?": The Black Southern Press and the Fight for Teacher Salary Equalization. Hist. Educ. Quar., v. 58, Feb., 94–121.
Alderman, Derek H., Joshua Inwood, and James A. Tyner. Jack Johnson versus Jim Crow: Race, Reputation, and the Politics of Black Villainy: The Fight of the Century. Southeastern Geog., v. 58, Fall, 227–49.
Alsan, Marcella, and Marianne Wanamaker. Tuskegee and the Health of Black Men. Quar. Jour. Econ., v. 133, Feb., 407–55.
Amos, Harriet E. Trials of a Unionist: Gustavus Horton, Military Mayor of Mobile during Reconstruction. Ala. Rev., v. 71, Jan., 47–64.
Anae, Nicole. "[T]hey Seemed to Recognise Us as Brethren from a Far Distant Tribe": The Influence of the Fisk Jubilee Singers among Australian and New Zealand Indigenous Communities, 1866–1936. Historian, v. 80, Summer, 241–92.
Asaka, Ikuko. Different Tales of John Glasgow: John Brown's Evolution to Slave Life in Georgia. Jour. Black Stud., v. 49, Apr., 212–34.
Baker, Elias J. The University of Mississippi, the Board of Trustees, Students, and Slavery: 1848–1860. Jour. Miss. Hist., v. 79, Fall-Winter [2017], 137–61.
Bardes, John K. Redefining Vagrancy: Policing Freedom and Disorder in Reconstruction New Orleans, 1862–1868. Jour. Sou. Hist., v. 84, Feb., 69–112.
Bell, Richard. Counterfeit Kin: Kidnappers of Color, the Reverse Underground Railroad, and the Origins of Practical Abolition. Jour. Early Rep., v. 38, Summer, 199–230. [End Page 321]
Ben-Ur, Aviva. Bound Together?: Reassessing the "Slave Community" and "Resistance" Paradigms. Jour. Global Slavery, v. 3, no. 3, pp. 195–210.
Berry, Mary Frances. Taking the United States to Court: Callie House and the 1915 Cotton Tax Reparations Litigation. Jour. Af. Am. Hist., v. 103, Winter-Spring, 91–103.
Bestebreurtje, Lindsey. Beyond the Plantation: Freedmen, Social Experimentation, and African American Community Development in Freedman's Village, 1863–1900. Va. Mag. Hist. Biog., v. 126, no. 3, pp. 334–65.
Black, William R. How Watermelons Became Black: Emancipation and the Origins of a Racist Trope. Jour. Civil War Era, v. 8, Mar., 64–86.
Blackett, Richard J. M. Resistance to Slavery in Middle Tennessee: Fugitive Slaves, the Underground Railroad, and the Politics of Slavery in the Decade before the Civil War. Tenn. Hist. Quar., v. 76, Winter [2017], 300–341.
Blain, Keisha N. "To Keep Alive the Teaching of Garvey and the Work of the UNIA": Audley Moore, Black Women's Activism, and Nationalist Politics during the Twentieth Century. Palimpsest, v. 7, no. 2, pp. 83–107.
Bland, Robert D. "A Grim Memorial of Its Thorough Work of Devastation and Desolation": Race and Memory in the Aftermath of the 1893 Sea Island Storm. Jour. Gilded Age Prog. Era, v. 17, Apr., 297–316.
Botwick, Bradford. Gullah-Geechee Settlement Patterns from Slavery to Freedom: Investigation of a Georgia Plantation Slave Quarter. North Am. Archaeologist, v. 39, July, 198–228.
Caddoo, Cara. Black Newspapers, Real Property, and Mobility in Memphis after Emancipation. Jour. Af. Am. Hist., v. 102, Fall [2017], 468–91.
Cassimere, Raphael, Jr. "Our School Is Our Glory": Reflections on the Early Years...