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  • Ronald J. Grele:Selected Bibliography

This bibliography includes books, articles and book chapters, reviews, and a media production written or edited in whole or in part by Ronald J. Grele from 1975 to 2017 that draw significantly upon oral history interviews or address issues and problems in oral history. It has been organized in reverse chronological order, earliest to most recent publication, to facilitate tracing the evolution of Grele's thought.


Envelopes of Sound: Six Practitioners Discuss the Theory, Method, and Practice of Oral History. Editor. Chicago: Precedent, 1975.
Envelopes of Sound: The Art of Oral History. 2nd ed., rev. and enl. With Studs Terkel, Jan Vansina, Dennis Tedlock, Saul Benison, and Alice Kessler Harris. New York: Praeger, 1985.
1968: A Student Generation in Revolt. Coauthor with Ronald Fraser, Daniel Bertaux, Bret Eynon, Béatrix Le Wita, Daniéle Linhart, Luisa Passerini, Jochen Staadt, and Annamarie Tröger. New York: Pantheon, 1988.
International Annual of Oral History 1990: Subjectivity and Multiculturalism in Oral History. Editor. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1992.
Racconti personali: Modalità d'uso [Personal Narratives: Modes of Use]. Guest Editor. Translated by Alessandro Portelli. Special issue, Acoma: Revista Internazionale di Studi Nordamericani [Acoma: International Review of North American Studies] 10 (Spring 1997).

Articles and Book Chapters

"A Surmisable Variety: Oral History and Interdisciplinarity." American Quarterly 27, no. 3 (August 1975): 275-295.
"Can Anyone Over Thirty Be Trusted? A Friendly Critique of Oral History." Oral History Review (1978): 36-44.
"Listen to Their Voices: Two Case Studies in the Interpretation of Oral History Interviews." Oral History 7, no. 1 (Spring 1979): 33-43. Reprinted in Literatur und Erfahrung [Literature and Experience] (1982): 6-24. Reprinted in Xpecmoᴍamuя no ycmʜoŭ ucmopuu [Oral History Reader], edited and translated by Marina Loskutova, 296-321. Saint Petersburg: European University at Saint Petersburg, 2003.
"Ziellose Bewegung. Methodologische und Theoretische Probleme der Oral History" [Movement without Aim: Methodological and Theoretical Problems of Oral History]. In Lebenserfahrung und Kollektives Gedachtnis: Die Praxis der Oral History [Life Experience and Collective Memory: The Practice of Oral History], edited and translated by Lutz Niethammer, 143-161. Frankfurt am Main: Syndikat, 1980. Reprinted in The Oral History Reader, 1st ed., edited by Robert Perks and Alistair Thomson, 38-52. London: Routledge, 1998.
"Who's Public? Who's History? What Is the Goal of a Public Historian?" The Public Historian 3, no. 1 (Winter 1981): 40-48.
"Oral History in the United States." Canadian Oral History Association Journal 5, no. 1 (1981-1982): 25-29.
"Appreciating Studs Terkel's Craft." In These Times, June 15-25, 1985.
"An Unsatisfying Reunion." Radical Historians Newsletter, May 1986, 1, 5-6.
"On Using Oral History Collections: An Introduction." Journal of American History 74, no. 2 (September 1987): 570-578.
"You've Got to Use Words When You Talk to Me: Editing the Voices of Sixties Activists." The Annual: The Journal of the New England Association of Oral History, Spring 1989, 2-12.
"The Development, Cultural Peculiarities, and State of Oral History in the United States." In "The History of Oral History–Development, Present State, and Future Prospects," edited by Karin Kartewig and Wulf R. Halbach. Special issue, Bios: Zeitschrift fur Biographieforschung und Oral History [Bios: Journal of Research in Biography and Oral History] 3 (1990): 3-16.
"Useful Discoveries: Oral History, Public History, and the Dialectic of Narrative." The Public Historian 13, no. 2 (Spring 1991): 61-84.
"Viewpoint: Why Call It Oral History? Some Ruminations from the Field." Pennsylvania History 60, no. 1 (October 1993): 506-510.
"History and the Languages of History in the Oral History Interview: Who Answers Whose Questions and Why?" In Interactive Oral History Interviewing, edited by Eva M. McMahan and Kim Lacy Rogers, 1-18. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 1994.
"Oral History: Method and Theory; A Syllabus." Radical History Review 1996, no. 65 (Spring 1996): 131-135.
"Directions for Oral History in the United States." In Oral History: An Interdisciplinary Anthology. 2nd ed., edited by David K. Dunaway and Willa K. Baum, 62-84. Walnut Creek, CA: AltaMira, 1996.
"Values and Methods in the Classroom Transformation of Oral History." Oral History Review 25, nos. 1/2 (Summer/Fall 1998...

