In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Periodical Literature

General and Miscellaneous

Les Fêtes des Martyrs dans les livres issus de la réforme liturgique de Vatican II: les martyrs du Moyen-Âge et des siècles récents. Philippe Beitia. Ephemerides Liturgique, CXXXII (Apr.–June, 2018), 129–58.
The Holy Well: Place of Presences and Presence of Place. Linda McKinnish Bridges. Baptist History and Heritage, 53 (Spring, 2018), 43–56.
La genesi delle indulgenze. Henryk Pietras, S.I. Gregorianum, 99 (2, 2018), 293–314.
Las "relationes ad limina" de los arzobispos compostelanoas (1589–1932). Una fuente vaticana para la historia de la Iglesia en Galicia. José Ramón Hernández Figueiredo. Anthologica Annua, 64 (2017), 561–839.
From Estate under Pressure to Spiritual Pressure Group: The Bishops and Parliament. Stephen Taylor. Parliamentary History, 37 (July supplement, 2018), 89–101.
Le discours social de l'Eglise: ses transformations au cours des deux derniers siècles. Joseph M. Joblin. Archivum Historiae Pontificiae, 50 (2012), 167–97.
Constructing Parenthood: Catholic Teaching 1880 to the Present. Jacob Kohlhaas. Theological Studies, 79 (Sept., 2018), 610–33.
The Global South, Christianity and Secularization: Insider and Outsider Perspectives. David A. Hollinger. Modern Intellectual History, 15 (Nov., 2018), 1–13.
1918–1968–2018: A Tissue of Laws and Choices and Chance. Stephen R. Schloesser, SJ. Theological Studies, 79 (Sept., 2018), 487–519.
Jean de Menasce (1902–1973), historien des religions, théologien et philosophe. Avec un aperçu de sa correspondance avec Franz Cumont (1868–1947). Jean-Michel Roessli. Revue des Sciences Philosophiques et Théologiques, 101 (Oct.–Dec., 2017), 611–52.
Un círculo virtuoso, el espíritu del Vaticano II se encuentra con el espíritu del 68. Gerd-Rainer Horn. Anuario de Historia de la Iglesia, 27 (2018), 15–44.
El Padre Pedro Arrupe, portavoz del Papa Pablo VI en la Congregación General 31 de la Compañia de Jesús. Urbano Valero SJ. Archivum Historicum Societatis Iesu, LXXXVI (II, 2017), 387–437.
American Evangelicals and African Politics: The Archives of the Fellowship Foundation, 1960s–1987. Nancy J. Jacobs. History in Africa, 45 (2018), 473–82.
La libertà della Chiesa e la sua missione. Giovanni Paolo II e l'arcivescovo Oscar Romero. Andrzej Dobrzyński. Archivum Historiae Pontificiae, 50 (2012), 141–66.


Justin between Paul and the Heretics: The Salvation of Christian Judaizers in the Dialogue with Trypho. Benjamin L. White. Journal of Early Christian Studies, 26 (Summer, 2018), 163–89.
L'"impronta apostolica" delle lettere di Ignazio di Antiochia. Enrico Emili. Urbaniana University Journal, LXXI (1, 2018), 123–72.
The Authorship of the Refutatio omnium haeresium. Augusto Cosentino. Journal of Ancient Christianity, 22 (Aug., 2018), 218–37.
Ein Apophthegma Pachoms und seine Wandlungen im Lauf der Überlieferung. Christoph Joest. Zeitschrift für Antikes Christentum, 22 (Aug., 2018), 238–77.
The Codex Sinaiticus and Hermas: The ways of a crossed textual transmission. Paolo Cecconi. Journal of Ancient Christianity, 22 (Aug., 2018), 278–95.
The Authorship and Dating of the Syriac Corpus attributed to Ephrem of Nisibis: A Reassessment. Blake Hartung. Journal of Ancient Christianity, 22 (Aug., 2018), 296–321.
El cuidado de los cautivos en las primeras comunidades cristianas. María Amparo Mateo Donet. Carthaginensia, XXXIV (Jan.–June, 2018), 67–86.
How did Arius Learn from Asterius? On the Relationship between the Thalia and the Syntagmation. Mark DelCogliano. Journal of Ecclesiastical History, 69 (July, 2018), 477–92.
Constantine I and a New Christian Age: A Hidden Christian Reverse Type Identified? David Woods. Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies, 58 (3, 2018), 366–88.
Sulpicio Severo contro Girolamo. Per una nuova interpretazione della lettera prefatoria e del primo capitolo della Vita Martini. Emanuele Castelli. Revue d'É-tudes Augustiniennes et Patristiques, 64 (1, 2018), 17–35.
Physicalism as the Soteriological Extension of Marius Victorinus's Cosmology. Ellen Scully. Journal of Early Christian Studies, 26 (Summer, 2018), 221–48.
Moses's Damascus Road Theophany: Rewriting Scripture in Gregory of...

