"Fake News" and "Retweets": News Reporting and Dissemination Ethics in the Qur'ān
- Journal of Islamic and Muslim Studies
- Indiana University Press
- Volume 3, Number 2, November 2018
- pp. 61-84
- 10.2979/jims.3.2.05
- Article
- Additional Information
This paper explores an Islamic framework for news reporting and dissemination, as applicable to both reporters and transmitters. Drawing on specific Qur'ānic verses and their exegeses, as well as Hadith methodology, the paper aims to extrapolate Islamic guidelines in relation to practices such as source-checking, content-verification, and accountability. Qur'ānic injunctions and case studies reveal that the highest standards of authentication must be applied when reporting or sharing news and acting upon it. In addition, the dissemination of known corruption or misconduct is allowed for the purpose of redressing wrongs or benefiting the community.