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  • About the Artist:Brus Rubio

Brus Rubio is a self-taught painter. He is a descendent of the Murui and Bora peoples from the Peruvian Amazon. He was born in 1984 in the Pucaurquillo community, located in the basin of the Rio Ampiyacu in Loreto. During his early childhood he listened to his parents recount dreamlike stories while they planted their parcel of land, fished, or conversed at home in the evenings. These stories fed his imagination and sensibility for nature and life's great mysteries. In the twenty-first century he began following the ancient method of painting, using paints created from natural paint dyes and paintbrushes created from natural plant stems. For his canvas he uses llachama, made from Amazonian tree bark.

His art expresses the infinite richness of the Murui-Bora mythology, history, and culture. His work immortalizes the cultural richness learned from the wise men in the maloca. His body of work reflects a great cosmic happiness, and it is inspired by the gods and mythical characters in rituals and holiday festivals, the minga and the agricultural faena, the magic and beauty of the fish and animals, the song and the vision and sacred word of his ancestors. All of this is part of his existence, from his way of thinking, feeling, and seeing the world. And he is very critical of the extractivism that has affected the jungle with the exploitation of rubber, palm oil, and oil.


Brus Rubio pintor autodidacta. Es descendiente de los pueblos originarios Murui y Bora, de la Amazonía peruana. Nació en 1984, en la comunidad de Pucaurquillo, ubicada en la cuenca del río Ampiyacu en Loreto. Desde muy niño, escuchaba de sus padres historias fantásticas cuando cultivaban la chacra, pescaban, o conversaban en casa durante las noches. Esos relatos alimentaron su imaginación y sensibilidad por la naturaleza y los grandes misterios de la vida. A principios del siglo XXI empezó a pintar, utilizando tintes naturales y pinceles de tallo de hierba sobre llanchama (lienzo amazónico hecho de corteza de árbol).

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En su pintura expresa la infinita riqueza de la mitología, la historia y la cultura Murui-Bora. Sus pinturas inmortalizan la riqueza cultural aprendida de los sabios en la maloca. Su creación refleja una gran alegría cósmica porque está inspirada en los dioses y personajes míticos, en las fiestas y rituales, en la minga y faena agrícola, en la magia y belleza de los peces y animales, en el canto, la visión y la palabra sagrada de sus ancestros. Todo eso es parte de su existencia, de su forma de pensar, de sentir y mirar el mundo. Asimismo, es muy crítico del extractivismo que ha afectado a la selva con la explotación del caucho, palma aceitera y el petróleo. [End Page 133]

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El plato del petróleo y el árbol de la abundancia by Brus Rubio. Acrylic on tree bark, 80 × 70 cm. © 2016 by Brus Rubio.


