In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Books Received

Notice here neither implies nor precludes review in a subsequent issue.

james k. aitken and hilary f. marlow (eds.), The City in the Hebrew Bible: Critical, Literary and Exegetical Approaches (LHBOTS 672; London: Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 2018). Pp. xii + 248. $102.60.
richard l. akins, Challenged to Grow: A Catholic Parent's Journey through an Evangelical World (Hyde Park, NY: New City Press, 2018). Pp. 196. Paper $14.95.
amy anderson and wendy widder, Lexham Methods Series, vol. 1, Textual Criticism of the Bible (rev. ed.; Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2018). Pp. xv + 236. Paper $24.99.
bill t. arnold and john h. choi, A Guide to Biblical Hebrew Syntax (2nd ed.; New York: Cambridge University Press, 2018). Pp. xvi + 252. Paper £23.99.
clinton bailey, Bedouin Culture in the Bible (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2018). Pp. x + 278. $55.
michael barram, Missional Economics: Biblical Justice and Christian Formation (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2018). Pp. xviii + 265. Paper $26.
alice ogden bellis, Proverbs (Wisdom Commentary 23; Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press, 2018). Pp. liv + 301. $39.95.
ben c. blackwell, john k. goodrich, and jason maston (eds.), Reading Mark in Context: Jesus and Second Temple Judaism (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2018). Pp. 286. Paper $24.99.
mark j. boda, russell l. meek, and william r. osborne (eds.), Riddles and Revelations: Explorations into the Relationship between Wisdom and Prophecy in the Hebrew Bible (LHBOTS 634; London: Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 2018). Pp. xiii + 306. $102.60.
richard s. briggs, Theological Hermeneutics and the Book of Numbers as Christian Scripture (Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 2018). Pp. xvi + 333. $55.
david a. brondos, Jesus' Death in New Testament Thought, vol. 1, Background; vol. 2, Texts (Mexico City: Theological Community of Mexico, 2018). Pp. xiii + 660; 661-1366. $44.95 each.
jeannine k. brown and kyle roberts, Matthew (Two Horizons New Testament Commentary; Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2018). Pp. xiii + 575. Paper $38.
walter brueggemann, Tenacious Solidarity: Biblical Provocations on Race, Religion, Climate, and the Economy (Minneapolis: Fortress, 2018). Pp. xxi + 472. Paper $29.
roger a. bullard and howard a. hatton, A Handbook on 3–4 Maccabees (Miami, FL: United Bible Societies, 2018). Pp. x + 536. Paper $10. [End Page 171]
jason byassee, Psalms 101–150 (Brazos Theological Commentary on the Bible; Grand Rapids: Brazos, 2018). Pp. xxv + 262. $32.99.
william s. campbell, The Nations in the Divine Economy: Paul's Covenantal Hermeneutics and Participation in Christ (Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2018). Pp. xii + 411. $120.
daniel castelo, sara m. koenig, and david r. nienhuis (eds.), The Usefulness of Scripture: Essays in Honor of Robers W. Wall (University Park, PA: Eisenbrauns, Pennsylvania State University Press, 2018). Pp. xxxvii + 246. $39.95.
c. john collins, Reading Genesis Well: Navigating History, Poetry, Science, and Truth in Genesis 1–11 (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2018). Pp. 336. Paper $36.39.
channing l. crisler, Reading Romans as Lament: Paul's Use of Old Testament Lament in His Most Famous Letter (Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2016). Pp. x + 242. Paper $30.
guy darshan, After the Flood: Stories of Origins in the Hebrew Bible and Eastern Mediterranean Literature (in Hebrew; Jerusalem: Bialek Institute, 2018). Pp. 365 + . Paper 111 ₪; $29.92.
david a. desilva, The Letter to the Galatians (NICNT; Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2018). Pp. lxxix + 542. $55.
john anthony dunne, Persecution and Participation in Galatians (WUNT 2/454; Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2017). Pp. xxii + 248. Paper €79.
josette elayi, Sennacherib, King of Assyria (SBLABS 24; Atlanta: SBL Press, 2018). Pp. xx + 233. Paper $34.95.
zev i. farber and jacob l. wright (eds.), Archaeology and History of Eighth-Century Judah (Ancient Near East Monographs 23; Atlanta: SBL Press, 2018). Pp. xv + 593. Paper $79.95.
paula fredriksen, When Christians Were Jews: The First Generation (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2018). Pp. viii + 261. $27.50.
pablo t. gadenz, The Gospel of Luke (Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture; Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2018). Pp. 413. Paper $24.99.
matthew e. gordley, New Testament Christological Hymns: Exploring Texts, Contexts, and Significance (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity, 2018). Pp. 263. Paper $28.
michael j. gorman, Abide and Go: Missional Theosis in the Gospel of John (Didsbury Lecture Series 2016...

