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  • Contributors

Anna M. Brígido-Corachán is Associate Professor of American Studies at the University of Valencia (Spain). Her research interests include contemporary Native/Indigenous American literature and media, politics of representation in US literature and film, new social movements, critical pedagogies, and digital storytelling. Her work has appeared in a variety of academic journals and volumes and she is currently completing a book-length manuscript on the reconfigurations of history and space in contemporary Indigenous American novels across the US/Mexico border.

Nathalie Dessens is a Professor of American history and civilization at the University of Toulouse-Jean Jaurès (France). She has co-edited two books, Haïti, regards croisés (2007) and La Louisiane au carrefour des cultures (2016). She has also authored Myths of the Plantation Society: Slavery in the American South and the West Indies (2003), From Saint-Domingue to New Orleans: Migration and Influences (2007), and Creole City: A Chronicle of Early American New Orleans (2015). After editing French Colonial History, she served as vice-president, president, and past-president of the French Colonial Historical Society.

Ana Fernández-Caparrós is Lecturer of English at the University of Valencia (Spain). Her academic interests include American drama and culture, contemporary theatrical practices, and adaptation and reception studies. She is the author of El teatro de Sam Shepard en el Nueva York de los sesenta (PUV 2015), and she is the co-editor of the collection of essays Poéticas por venir, políticas del duelo (Verbum 2014) and of the Special Issue of Complutense Journal of English Studies "Staging the Sounds of a Nation: The Poetic Soundscapes of the USA" (2015). She has published articles in Contemporary Theatre Review, Atlantis, JCDE, and South Atlantic Review.

Alexandra K. Glavanakova is Associate Professor of American Literature and Culture at St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia, Bulgaria. Her teaching, academic research, and publications focus on transcultural studies; transnational dialogue and identity; and major cultural shifts in literacy, education, and literary studies under the impact of digital technology. She is the author of Posthuman Transformations: Bodies and Texts in Cyberspace (2014) and Transcultural Imaginings: Translating the Other, Translating the Self in Narratives about Migration and Terrorism (2016).

Audrey Goodman is Professor of English at Georgia State University. Her research explores the intersections of literature and photography in the southwestern US, paying particular attention to the region's vernacular landscapes and genres. She is the author of Translating Southwestern Landscapes and Lost Homelands (both published by the University of Arizona Press). She has also contributed essays to the Cambridge History of Western American Literature; Women in the Americas; the Blackwell Companion to the Literature and Culture of the American West; Postwestern Cultures; Left in the West; and the journals Transatlantica, Iperstoria, Miranda, and Acoma.

Carmen M. Méndez-García teaches American Literature at Universidad Complutense de Madrid. She was a visiting scholar at Harvard University in 2001–2002 and a Fulbright participant in the 2010 Study of the US Institute on Contemporary American Literature at the University of Louisville. Current interests include twentieth- and twenty-first-century US literature, counterculture in the US, minority studies (especially Chicana studies), and spatial studies.

Yael Prizant is a dramaturg, adapter, translator, and scholar. She translates works by Cuban playwrights and produces plays at LangLab South Bend. Her book, Cuba Inside Out: Revolution and Contemporary Theatre, investigates the effects of revolution and globalization. In 2018, Prizant was a Visiting Scholar at Georgia College & State University and has taught at Johns Hopkins SAIS in Bologna (2015–2017) as well as the University of Notre Dame (2008–2014). She holds a PhD in Theater from UCLA and an MFA in Dramaturgy from UMASS Amherst. She currently serves on the Board of Directors for Ultreia, Inc., a Midwest non-profit arts organization.


