In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Trio A, and: Fear and Loathing (Comin' and Goin'), and: Ode to the Happy Negro Hugging the Flag in Robert Colescott's George Washington Carver Crossing the Delaware, and: Private Party, and: Broke Bois
  • Anaïs Duplan (bio)


It's like not being able to take in everything on stage.This is supposed to be a slow rise of the leg. Why can't Iget my leg up higher than this now? We don't have to

Make eye contact. We sit on a bench or something elsewithout a back, and our privates do a double protestagainst censorship and war.

We take off our clothes and tiefive-foot flags around our necksand drape them in front of us, and we perform. [End Page 6]


            I come to party, I show up alone,I feel the beat on my feet, and I'm soloing.I sing sunshine hits in the club.Sunshine hits baby. That's just how I live, lawd—

                  And Lord was like—I fled the scene,done all I possibly could. The way it works is,sunshine hits something and so, there is something.Gradually, you become unlike that something

You used to hold. I had held a cassette tapein my hands, had helda church in my hands,had held it with heavy hands, had felt love

Like adrenaline, to which no one in the church spoke.I had heard music emanatingfrom a cassette player, had heard it in church,had looked into the pastor's eyes, had held her eyes

In my hands, had felt her love like a fee.                                                      Evil eyes,everyone knowswhat your poems are about. Whatever it isgot me laughing. [End Page 7]


I have waited all my life to find me find youperched around my black neck in repose

songing of me in repose                  your black legssonging of me in repose

your black legs a dangle around me I have waitedto find you find your black toes       to find them

sundering at the base your black toes your black toe-nails hale and bright    your black feet a straddle around me

around my black waist a straddle I finding Iwas born I was born who operated

in the white was born who was bornwho operated in the white chapel

who found your black thighs in reposesonging to each other in repose                                                      across

my chest        an extended black for blocksa neighborhood song in repose

your crotch an extended blackat my neck        your black groin a straddle

around me in repose what life whatthere it is there       I had been looked at [End Page 8]

there o lord sucked His blackthorax which spanned as a fracture                                                      spanned as I

who grow up in you there as a fracture findyour black breast o lord quiescing

atop my head your other blackbreast o lord hale and bright around me o lord

a pendulum o lord to my black earmy black ear that finds you songing

of me in repose in your staturetoppling to one side of my one side

find your black shoulders a gapingaround me       death your body armless

around me       death none canskirt it in your mother's way o lord

is finding black fingers there your blackneck is finding                  lord is rising past

the cumulus-line an extended blacko lord is an extended black o lord

is thinking of self and thinking of self isfinding you there so that when I entered I entered                                              the pulpit I entered. [End Page 9]


I broke my leg and would love a friend to talk toat Cornell Hospital. Let's enhance each other's lives.Are you a young boy who can take care of a man, arather big man? Hope you can hold my hand and

Never let it go? If you're familiar with the concept of selfand believe we are repressed by society and...

