

As part of the 50th Annual International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics, the University of Melbourne and Chinese Academy of Social Sciences held a joint workshop aimed at sharing ideas and methodologies in modern language maintenance. This paper describes the presentations given during the workshop and outlines the underlying themes of the event, namely the importance of language maintenance in the current environment of rapid language loss, the role that digital technologies play in this maintenance, and the benefits of crossdisciplinary and international collaboration in achieving these goals.


作为第 50 届 国际汉藏语言暨语言学会议的议程的一部分, 中国社会科学院与墨尔本大学联合主办了"语言传承与保护"工作坊。本次工 作坊旨在分享和讨论现代语言传承与保护的理念与方法。本文简述工 作坊中的简报和主题,即在语言迅速流失的背景下语言传承与保护的 重要性,数字技术在语言传承与保护中所起的作用,以及跨学科与国 际合作的裨益。

