Vom Rhein an die Salzach: Teilnahme vom Straßburger Domchor an den Salzburger Festspielen und die französische Musikdiplomatie in Österreich während der Alliierten Besatzungszeit
- Journal of Austrian Studies
- University of Nebraska Press
- Volume 51, Number 4, Winter 2018
- pp. 39-61
- 10.1353/oas.2018.0059
- Article
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The is article presents a discursively oriented international and transnational approach to the Salzburg Festival's musical-political history in the local, national, and global context. Standing at the crossroads between the prestige politics of post–World War II Salzburg, the U.S. occupation, and the nation of France, these musicians contributed to the construction of imageries of musical Frenchness and to France's musical prestige. However, public reactions eff orts played an important role too, as the example of the Chorale de la Cathédrale de Strasbourg illustrates. Triumphs and controversies of French musical diplomacy in Salzburg illuminate the dynamics of interaction among cultural diplomats, musicians, and various publics and impact the postwar Austrian cultural discourse.