In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Periodical Literature

General and Miscellaneous

Matrimonio e famiglia nel Magistro dei pontifici del '900. Cecilia Dau Novelli. Rivista di Storia della Chiesa in Italia, (1, 2017), 131–45.
Orthodox Observers at the Second Vatican Council and Intra-Orthodox Dynamics. Radu Bordeianu. Theological Studies, 79 (Mar., 2018), 86–106.
The Global "Bookkeeping" of Souls: Quantification and Nineteenth-Century Evangelical Missions. Martin Petzke. Social Science History, 42 (Summer, 2018), 183–211.


Subversive Pilgrimages: Barsauma in Jerusalem. Hagith Sivan. Journal of Early Christian Studies, 26 (Spring, 2018), 53–74.
Isaac of Antioch's Organ and the Media of Musical Subjects. Glenn Peers. Journal of Early Christian Studies, 26 (Spring, 2018), 75–109.
Holy Images and Holy Matter: Images in the Performance of Miracles in the Age before Iconoclasm. Christopher R. Sweeney. Journal of Early Christian Studies, 26 (Spring, 2018), 111–38.
Between Dissent and Praise, between Sacred and Secular. Corippus against the African background of the Three Chapters controversy. Chiara O. Tommasi Moreschini. Rivista di Storia e Letteratura Religiosa, LIII (2, 2017), 201–30.
The Sin of Sodom in Late Antiquity. Eoghan Ahern. Journal of the History of Sexuality, 27 (May, 2018), 209–33.


On the Road to Heaven: Taxation, Conversions, and the Coptic-Muslim Socioeconomic Gap in Medieval Egypt. Mohamed Saleh. Journal of Economic History, 78 (June, 2018), 394–434.
Irish chronicles as sources for the history of northern Britain, A.D. 660–800. Nicholas Evans. Innes Review, 69 (May, 2018), 1–48.
La falsa donazione di Anselmo, vescovo di Aosta (923): scelte grafiche e modelli testuali. Paolo Buffo. Rivista di Storia della Chiesa in Italia, (1, 2017), 43–54.
Fighting for Sacred Space: Relic Mobility and Conflict in Tenth-Eleventh-Century France. Kate M. Craig. Viator, 48 (1, 2017), 17–38. [End Page 578]
Pope Gregory VII and Eblous II of Roucy's Proto-Crusade in Iberia c. 1073. Lucas Villegas-Aristizábal. Medieval History Journal, 21 (Apr., 2018), 117–40.
"Your Words Are the Truth": Rabbi Qalonymous and Archbishop Ruthard of Mainz. Susan L. Einbinder. Speculum, 93 (Jan., 2018), 91–100.
"He Doubted That These Things Actually Happened": Knowing the Otherworld in the Tractatus de Purgatorio Sancti Patricii. Michael David Barbezat. History of Religions, 57 (May, 2018), 321–47.
I suddiaconi papali nella provincia ecclesiastica di Milano (1159–1216): appunti per una ricerca. Caterina Cappuccio. Rivista di Storia della Chiesa in Italia, (1, 2017), 55–74.
La Commenda perpetua di Asola. il successo del falso seicentesco di un diploma dell'Imperatore Enrico VI e i falsi di diplomi imperiali nell'opera dello storico barocco Lodovico Mangini. Bettina Pferschy-Maleczek. Rivista di Storia della Chiesa in Italia, (1, 2017), 177–205.
Innocenzo III e la Norvegia (1198–1216). Francesco D'Angelo. Rivista di Storia della Chiesa in Italia, (1, 2017), 75–90.
Suffering another's sin: proxy penance in the thirteenth century. Gavin Fort. Journal of Medieval History, 44 (2, 2018), 202–30.
La Chiesa di San Bartolomeo apostolo a Campobasso. Riflessioni sulla circolazione di maestranze e di codici iconografici all'alba del Duecento in Molise. Maria Cristina Rossi. Rivista di Storia della Chiesa in Italia, (1, 2017), 105–18.
Un originale della littera di canonizzazione di Chiara d'Assisi ed altri documenti pontifici inediti dall'Archivio di Stato di Ascoli Piceno. Etienne Doublier. Rivista di Storia della Chiesa in Italia, (1, 2017), 147–76.
The Women and the Inquisition: Peacemaking in Bologna, 1299. Melissa Vise. Speculum, 93 (Apr., 2018), 357–86.
Transforming the landscape: Cistercian nuns and the environment in the medieval Low Countries. Erin L. Jordan. Journal of Medieval History, 44 (2, 2018), 187–201.
Double Conversions in the Fourteenth-Century Romanian Principality of Wallachia. Ioan Albu. Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies, 48 (May, 2018), 201–26.
The Thinking Heart of Female Spirituality and the Apostles' Creed in A Christian Mannes Bileeve. Nicole D. Smith. Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies, 48 (May, 2018), 227–60.
Late medieval philosophical and theological discussions of mental disorders: Witelo, Oresme, Gerson. Vesa Hirvonen. History of Psychiatry, 29 (June, 2018), 165–86. [End Page 579]
Perspectives (Old and New) on Late Medieval Church Art in Norway: Questioning the Hegemony of Lübeck Workshops. No...

