In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • On Memorial
  • Diana Khoi Nguyen (bio)

Diana Khoi Nguyen, poetry

There you stood, eye to the photograph looking at theplace you're in without you. Am I feeling elegiacor algebraic again. A violence from within protectsfrom a violence without. What it is is what elseit is, an opening between one black and another black,moth legs scrambling about the frame of my window tonight,out-and-out rain. Am I writing this to be as opaqueas possible. Please rewind, they used to say.How my mind of switchback of jackknife does in awe,lockjaw. It can happen anywhere. Outside, whereso many things hover, wait to come in. The night,where sight ends and the body goes in. You cleared a space:I ask you to come in. [End Page 640]

Diana Khoi Nguyen

diana khoi nguyen's debut collection Ghost Of was selected by Terrance Hayes for the Omnidawn Open Contest. She won the 92Y "Discovery"/Boston Review Poetry Contest and is pursuing a Ph.D. in creative writing at the University of Denver.


