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  • About the Authors

Dien Ho is an associate professor of philosophy and healthcare ethics at MCPHS University in Boston, MA, USA. He is the chair of the Center for Healthcare Humanities at MCPHS University and he is also the director of the School of Arts and Sciences' Honors Program. His research focuses on reproductive rights, philosophy of pharmaceutics, philosophy of science, and theoretical reasoning. He is currently completing a manuscript on philosophy of science and medicine.

Warren Kinghorn is Associate Professor of Psychiatry, Duke University Medical Center, Esther Colliflower Associate Professor of the Practice of Pastoral and Moral Theology, Duke Divinity School, and Co-Director, Theology, Medicine, and Culture Initiative, Duke Divinity School. His recent publications include "American Christian Engagement with Mental Health and Mental Illness," in Psychiatric Services (September 2015).

Shai Mulinari is a researcher at the Department of Sociology, Lund University, Sweden. Mulinari holds a PhD in Developmental Biology. He has previously published on the genetic control of cell shape changes in early embryonic development. His more recent research focuses on the history of psychiatric research and drug development, the regulation of the pharmaceutical industry, and public health.

James Phillips is Clinical Professor of Psychiatry in the Yale School of Medicine. He is a member of the Executive Committee of the Association for the Advancement of Philosophy and Psychiatry, and editor of the Bulletin of the AAPP. He has worked extensively in the field of philosophy and psychiatry. Recent publications are "Scientific validity in psychiatry: Necessarily a moving target," in Zachar, P., et al. (Eds), Alternate Perspectives on Psychiatric Validation, Oxford University Press; "Detecting diagnostic error in psychiatry" Diagnosis, 2014.

Jennifer Radden is Professor Emerita of Philosophy at the University of Massachusetts Boston with an abiding interest in abnormal psychology, and the understanding, care, and implications of mental disorder as it can be approached philosophically. Her philosophical research has been focused on mental health concepts, the history and philosophy of psychiatric medicine, and ethical and policy aspects of clinical practice. Recent monographs include On Delusion (2011), and Melancholy Habits: Burton's Anatomy for the Mind Sciences (2017), as well as two edited collections, The Nature of Melancholy (2000) and Oxford Companion to the Philosophy of Psychiatry (2004).

Rebecca Roache is Senior Lecturer in Philosophy at Royal Holloway, University of London, and was previously Research Fellow at the Oxford [End Page 311] Centre for Neuroethics and James Martin Research Fellow at Oxford's Future of Humanity Institute. She was educated at the universities of Leeds and Cambridge, and has broad philosophical interests including metaphysics, philosophy of mind, philosophy of language, and ethics. She is an associate editor of the Journal of Medical Ethics and is currently writing a book on the philosophy of swearing.

Julian Savulescu is the Uehiro Chair in Practical Ethics at the University of Oxford. He directs the Oxford Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics, and the Oxford Centre for Neuroethics, funded by the Wellcome Trust. He is also Director of the Institute for Science and Ethics at the Oxford Martin School. He edits the Journal of Medical Ethics and recently launched the Journal of Practical Ethics with Roger Crisp. He has degrees in medicine, philosophy, and neuroscience. He has written broadly in practical ethics, with a particular focus on neuroethics, and the ethics of genetics and enhancement, including moral enhancement, which is the focus of his recent book with Ingmar Persson, Unfit for the Future: The Urgent Need for Moral Enhancement (Oxford University Press).

Anastasia Philippa Scrutton is a lecturer at the University of Leeds with interests in philosophy of religion, psychiatry, and emotion. Some recent publications in the interface between philosophy, religion and psychiatry include "Two Christian Theologies of Depression," forthcoming in Philosophy, Psychiatry and Psychology; "Can being told you're ill make you ill? A discussion of psychiatry, religion, and out of the ordinary experiences," forthcoming in Think: Philosophy for Everyone, and "Suffering as potentially transformative: A philosophical and pastoral consideration drawing on Henri Nouwen's experience of depression," in Pastoral Psychology, 64, 1, 99–109.

Samuel J. Ujewe is a specialist in Bioethics and health policy, public health ethics, healthcare ethics, ethics of clinical trials, mental health care ethics, and cross-cultural and...

