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The Catholic Historical Review 87.3 (2001) 551-563

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Periodical Literature

General and Miscellaneous

"The Purification of Memory": The "Narrow Gate" of the Jubilee. Antonio Maria Sicari, O.C.D. Communio, XXVII (Winter, 2000), 634-642.

The Church Confronts the Faults of the Past. Bruno Forte. Communio, XXVII (Winter, 2000), 676-687.

Church History as Vocation and Moral Discipline. Hans J. Hillerbrand. Church History, 70 (Mar., 2001), 1-18.

Church Historians of the Early Twentieth Century: Adolf von Harnack (1851-1930). W. H. C. Frend. Journal of Ecclesiastical History, 52 (Jan., 2001), 83-102.

Lucien Febvre, Luther et les Allemands. Peter Schöttler. Bulletin de la Société de l'Histoire du Protestantisme Français, 147 (Jan.-Mar., 2001), 9-66.

Intransigeance catholique et "monde moderne" (19e-20e siècles). Étienne Fouilloux. Revue d'histoire ecclésiatique, 96 (Jan.-June, 2001), 71-87.

Catholic Church Politics and Evolution Theory, 1894-1902. Barry Brundell. British Journal for the History of Science, 34 (Mar., 2001), 81-95.

La questione della libertà religiosa: momenti di un dibattito dalla vigilia del Vaticano II all'inizio degli anni novanta. Silvia Scatena. Cristianesimo nella storia, XXI (Dec., 2000), 587-643.

"Undigested Past." The Archives of the Roman Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. Bruno Boute. Bulletin de l'Institut Historique Belge de Rome, LXXI (2001), 243-285.

New Periodicals for New Ideas. On the Birth of the Revue d'Histoire ecclésiastique. Jo Tollebeek. Revue d'histoire ecclésiastique, 95 (Apr.-June, 2000), 391-429.

Genèse et organisation de la revue internationale de théologie Concilium. Hadewych Snijdewind. Cristianesimo nella storia, XXI (Dec., 2000), 645-673.

La mémoire des catacombes de Rome. Philippe Foro. Bulletin de Littérature Ecclésiastique, CII (Jan.-Mar., 2001), 25-38.

Le leggende di fondazione dei santuari cristani della Basilicata. Gabriele De Rosa. Ricerche di Storia Sociale e Religiosa, XXIX (July-Dec., 2000), 35-46.

Aquileia chiesa centrale tra Alpi, Adriatico e Danubio. Vittorio Peri. Ricerche di Storia Sociale e Religiosa, XXIX (July-Dec., 2000), 193-203.

I seminari della Basilicata. Maria Antonietta De Cristofaro. Ricerche di Storia Sociale e Religiosa, XXIX (July-Dec., 2000), 161-191.

Kosovo in the History of the Serbian Church. Veselin Kesich. St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly, 44 (3-4, 2000), 279-308.


La Chiesa di Roma in età severiana. Cultura classica, cultura cristiana, cultura orientale. Ilaria Ramelli. Rivista di Storia della Chiesa in Italia, LIV (Jan.-June, 2000), 13-29.

Factores, oportunidades e incentivos para la misión en la Iglesia prenicena. Ramón Trevijano Etcheverría. Salmanticensis, XLVII (Sept.-Dec., 2000), 393-432.

A Note on the Christians' Presence in the sacer comitatus before 313 A.D. Alexandra Madgearu. Aevum, LXXV (Jan.-Apr., 2001), 111-117.

Constantine's Speech to the Assembly of the Saints: Place and Date of Delivery. T. D. Barnes. Journal of Theological Studies, 52 (Apr., 1001), 26-36.

The Making of Monastic Demonology: Three Ascetic Teachers on Withdrawal and Resistance. David Brakke. Church History, 70 (Mar., 2001), 19-48.

Patronage, Pastoral Care and the Role of the Bishop at Antioch. Wendy Mayer. Vigiliae Christianae, LV (1, 2001), 58-70.

La persecución del emperador Juliano a debate: los cristianos en la política del último emperador pagano (361-363). Carlos Buenacasa Pérez. Cristianesimo nella storia, XXI (Dec., 2000), 509-529.

L'image de Julien l'Apostat chez saint Grégoire de Nazianze. Philippe Molac. Bulletin de Littérature Ecclésiastique, CII (Jan.-Mar., 2001), 39-48.

The Passio S. Typasii Veterani as a Catholic Construction of the Past. Alan Dearn. Vigiliae Christianae, LV (1, 2001), 86-98.

L'ère Priscillien ou la grande faute du christianisme. Michel Grandjean. Revue de Théologie et de Philosophie, 132 (4, 2000), 361-376.

La réutilisation des sanctuaires païens par les chrétiens en Grèce continentale (IVe-VIIe s.) Laurence Foschia. Revue des Études grecques, 113 (July-Dec., 2000), 413-434.

I latori della corrispondenza di Agostino: tra idealizzazione e realtà. Matilde Caltabiano. Augustinianum, XLI (June, 2001), 113-148.

A New Manuscript of Lucian's Letter on the Discovery of...

