In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Books Received

the minnesota review welcomes proposals for reviews of these and other recent books as well as journals, significant articles, and other works reflecting cultural and intellectual currents. For reviews, we much prefer overviews to reports on specific books. For examples, check the review essays in this or recent past issues. —Janell Watson, Editor

Broich, John. 2017. Squadron: Ending the African Slave Trade. New York: Overlook Press.
Moten, Fred. 2017. Black and Blur. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.
Rae, Noel. 2018. The Great Stain: Witnessing American Slavery. New York: Overlook Press.
Singh, Julietta. 2018. Unthinking Mastery: Dehumanism and Decolonial Entanglements. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.
Spry, Adam. 2018. Our War Paint Is Writers' Ink: Anishinaabe Literary Transnationalism. Albany, NY: SUNY Press. [End Page 149]

