In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Another Tribute and Transition
  • Robin Mitchell-Boyask

In these pages, five years ago, my co-editor Lee Pearcy and I paid tribute to the long, distinguished work of Matthew Santirocco in making Classical World what it had become by then and what–I hope–it still is. Lee has now retired from Classical World, and this issue is my first attempt at handling editorial matters as a solo flight. If Lee has been my Daedalus, I hope that I have been a better listener than Icarus. When I started working with Lee, I had never been involved at a scholarly journal other than as a contributor or referee. Needless to say, I had a lot to learn. Lee, who had worked with Matthew Santirocco as first assistant and then associate editor since 1993, was a tremendous mentor. I cannot praise enough his judgement, sensitivity and general common sense. If I succeed here in the coming years, it will be because of Lee Pearcy’s example.

I plan no major changes. As Lee wrote five years ago,

Classical World will continue to publish peer-reviewed contributions on all aspects of Greek and Roman literature, history, and society; on classical tradition and reception; on the history of classical scholarship; and on the teaching of Latin, Greek, and classical civilization…. Our audience will be, as it has been, teaching scholars and scholarly teachers, and we reject the idea that teaching and scholarship are somehow antithetical or separable. [End Page 613]

Robin Mitchell-Boyask
Temple University

