- Japan Society for Buddhist-Christian Studies 2017 Annual Meeting
The 36th meeting was held at The Palace Side Hotel in Kyoto from August 4th to 6th. All the papers were given in Japanese with each of the presenters given 1 hour for presentation followed by 45 minutes of discussion centered around a designated respondent.
Friday, August 4th
Session 1: 14:00–15:45
Presenter: Kazuhiko Yamaki, "From Nicholas Kuzanus? to Religious Pluralism and Inclusivism: Focusing on Hick, Descosta?, Driver?"
Session 2: 16:00–17:45
Presenter: Masako Kita, "Faith and Knowledge/Wisdom in Kitaro Nishida"
Saturday, August 5th
General Meeting: 10:30–12:00
Session 3: 14:00–15:45
Presenter: Sadami Takayama, "Conversion in Paul and Shinran: From the Perspective of Faith and Knowledge/Wisdom"
Session 4: 16:00–17:45
Presenter: Yukata Tanaka, "Conversion in Paul and Shinran: From the Perspective of Faith and Knowledge/Wisdom"
Dinner Reception: 18:30–21:00
Sunday, August 6th
General Discussion and Dialogue: 10:00–12:00
Board of Directors Meeting: 12:30–14:00 [End Page 367]