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Book Notes 219 Jisi zhengce yu minjian xinyang bianqian: jinshi Zhejiang minjian xinyang yanjiu 祭祀政策与民间信仰变迁: 近世浙江民间信仰研究 Zhu Haibin 朱海滨. Shanghai: Fudan Daxue chubanshe 复旦大学出版社, 2008. 254 pages. ISBN 978-7-309-06083-6. RMB 22.00 paper. The relationship between the state and local cults is the focus of this book, which utilizes theoretical perspectives developed primarily in the Western academy (e.g., James Watson, Valerie Hansen, Richard von Glahn) to study state approaches to local and regional cults in Zhejiang province. The dynamic of adaptation and resistance, promotion and evasion in the context of recurrent tides of “Confucian fundamentalism” (Rujiao yuanli zhuyi 儒教原理主义) is traced in case studies of the cults of Guan Yu 关羽, Zhou Xiong 周雄, and Hu Ze 胡则, which lead to a general evaluation of the factors affecting the spread of local cults beyond their points of origin. Zhongguo zongjiaoxue 30 nian (1978-2008) 中国宗教学 30 年 (19782008 ) Edited by Zhuo Xinping 卓新平. Beijing: Zhongguo shehui kexue chubanshe 中国社会科学出版社, 2008. 419 pages. ISBN 978-7-5004-7252-0. RMB 50.00 paper. Part of this year’s flood of retrospectives on the thirty-year reform period, this volume provides a highly useful overview of the subject matter, methods, theories, and bibliographies of studies on religion in the People’s Republic of China. Its nine chapters by different authors cover the following areas of research: (1) theory, (2) religion in contemporary Chinese society, (3) Buddhism, (4) Daoism, (5) Confucianism, (6) popular sects, (7) Christianity, (8) Islam, and (9) other religions. Compiled by PHILP CLART, University of Leipzig ...

