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Book Recieved for Review 131 BOOK RECIEVED FOR REVIEW The following books have been received and are available for review. If you wish to review a book listed here, please send an email to the editor of TLA at Book reviews should be completed within one month of receiving the book. Review instructions will accompany the requested book. Appelbaum, Nancy P. 2003. Muddied Waters:Race, Region, and Local History in Columbia, 1846-1948. Duke University Press: Durham and London. Appelbaum, Nancy P., Anne S. Macpherson and Karin Alejandra Rosemblatt, eds. 2003. Race and Nation in Latin America. University of North Carolina Press: Chapel Hill, NC. Armus, Diego, ed. 2003. Disease in the History o f Modern Latin America: From Malaria to AIDS. Duke University Press: Durham and London. Auyero, Javier. 2003. Contentious Lives: Two Argentine Women, Two Protests and the Questfor Recognition. Duke University Press: Durham and London. Baily, Samuel L. and Eduardo JosCMiguez, eds. 2003.Mass Migration to Modern Latin America. Scholarly Resources Inc: Wilmington,DE. Beato, Paulina and Jean-Jacques Laffont, ed. 2003. Competition Policy in Regulated Industries: Approaches for Emerging Economies. Inter-American Development Bank: Washington, DC. Calabrese, Elisa and Lucian0 Martinez. 2001. Miguel Briante : Genealogia de un otvido. Beatriz Viterbo Editora: Rosario, Argentina. Carey, Jr., David. 2001. Our Elders Teach Us: Maya-Kaqchikel Historical Perspectives. University of Alabama Press: Tuscaloosa and London. Carrillo, Hector. 2002, The Night is Young: Sexuality in The Latin Americanist WintedSpring2004 Mexico in the Time o f AIDS. The University of Chicago Press: Chicago and London. nesota Press: Minneapolis and London, Chanan, Michael. 2004. Cuban Cinema. University of MinChomsky ,Aviva,et. al. Ed. 2003. The Cuba Reader: History, Culture, Politics. Duke University Press: Durham and London. 1910-1990.Yale University Press: New Haven, CT. Curcio-Nagy, Linda. 2004. The Great Festivals of Colonial Mexico City, Performing Power and Identity. University of New Mexico Press: Albuquerque. Dario, RubCn. 2004. Songs o f Life and Hope: Cantos De Vida Y Esperanza. A bilingual Edition. Duke University Press: Durham and London. Craven, David. 2002.Art and Revolution in Latin America, Davila, Jerry. 2003.Diploma o f Whiteness: Race and Social Policy in Brazil, 1917-1945. Duke University Press: Durham and London. Diacon, Todd A. 2004. Stringing Together a Nation: Crindido Mariano Da Silva Rondon and the Construction o f a Modern Brazil, 1906 - 1930. Duke University Press: Durham and London. Dowers, Kenroy and Pietro Masci, ed. Focus on Capital: New Approaches to Developing Latin American Capital Markets. Inter-American Development Bank: Washington, DC. Post-Soviet World. University Press of Florida: Gainesville, FL. Press of Florida: Gainesville. Erisman, Michael H. 2002. Cuba’s Foreign Relations in a Feiner, Muriel. 2003. Women and the Bullring. University Firmat, Gustavo Perez. 2003. Tongue Ties, Logo-Eroticism in Anglo-Hispanic Literature. Palgrave Macmillan: New York, NY. Garreton, Manuel Antonio. (tran. By R. Kelly Washbourne with Gregory Horvath). 2003. Incomplete Democracy: Political Democratization in Chile and Latin America. The University of North Carolina Press: Durham and London. Gonzalez, Rigoberto. Crossing Vines,a novel. University of Oklahoma Press. Norman. OK. Book Recieved for Review 133 Hopkins, Dwight N. Lois Ann Lorentzen, et. al. (Eds.). 2001. Religions/Globalizations:Theories and Cases. Duke University Press: Durham and London. Julia, Edgardo Rodriguez. (tran. By Juan Flores) 2004. Cortijos Wake, El entierro de Cortijo. Duke University Press: Durham and London. Karush, Matthew B. 2002. Workersor Citizens: Democracy and Identity in Rosario, Argentina (1912-1930). University of New Mexico Press: Albuquerque, NM. Lockhart, James. 2001. Nahuatl as Written: Lesson in Older WrittenNahuatl, With Copius Examples and Texts. Stanford University Press: Stanford, CA. Ludmer, Josefina (translated by Molly Weigel). 2002. The Gaucho Genre: A Treatise on the Motherland. Duke University Press: Durham and London. Marting, Diane E. 2001. The Sexual Woman in Latin American Literature: Dangerous Desires. University Press of Florida: Gainesville, FL. Nostrand, Richard L. 2003. El Cerrito, New Mexico: Eight Generations in a Spanish Village. University of Oklahoma Press: Norman, OK. Nouzeilles, Gabriela and Graciela Montaldo, eds. 2002. The Argentina Reader: History, Culture, Politics. Duke University Press: Durham and London. Pagan, Eduardo Obregon. 2003. Murder at the Sleepy Lagoon: Zoot Suits, Race, and Riot in Wartime L.A.The University of North...

