In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Contributors/Abstracts1 CONTRIBUTORS Keisha-Khan K Perry is a doctoral candidate in Social Anthropology with a specialization in the African Diaspora at the University of Texas at Austin. For the 2004-2005 academic year, she is a Mendenhall Dissertation Fellow at Smith College in Northampton, Massachusetts where she is completing the writing of her dissertation. Her research interests include black women's activism, African diaspora studies, critical race and feminist theory, urban politics and spatiality,and race relations in Brazil. She has conducted research in Mexico, Jamaica, Belize, Brazil,Argentina,and the United States. Her most recent research on black women's participation and leadership in neighborhood movements in Brazil is the focus of her dissertation project. She is also the recipient of the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship, the National Science Foundation DissertationImprovementGrant, the J. William FulbrightForeign Scholarship, and the University of Virginia Carter G. Woodson Fellowship. Scot Schraufnagel (Ph.D. Florida State University)is anAssistant Professorof Political Scienceat the University of Central Florida. He is a former Peace Corp volunteer(1982-1985)and community college instructor (1994-1998). His research has appeared in the Journal of Legislative Studies, Evaluation Review, Presidential Studies Quarterly, and Political Science Quarterly. Barbara Sgouraki (Ph.D. Washington University) is an Assistant Professor of Political Science at the University of Central Florida where she has taught since 2002. Her research has appeared in Party Politics. Jose'Antonio Gonza'lez.Born in Cuba, he received his bachelorin HispanicPhilologyat The Universidad de Oriente.He came to the United States after completing master studies in Latin American Culture at the Universidad de Camagiiey. He taught literature at JosC Marti's Pedagogical Institute. He also served as an editor, a translator,a creative writer, an art critic and a cultural researcher. He received his doctorate in Hispanic Studies from Florida State University. Currently he is a Visiting Assistant Professor at the Foreign Languages Departmentof WesternIllinois University. 2 The Latin Americanist Fall 2005 Ernest0 Cohen (Ph. D. London School of Economics)is currently aResearchProfessoratthe Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO), Chile. He worked for many years at the Division of Social Development of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) in Chile. He has an extensive trajectory as a consultant for many Latin American countries in the area of evaluation of social programs. Angela Gdmez has a doctorate in Applied Anthropology and is a post doctorate fellow of the National Science Foundation. She has been conductingsocialpolicy research for the last sevenyears both in the United States and in Chile. She is a Visiting Professor at the Facultad Latinoamericana de CienciasSociales (FLACSO) in Chile. Mary A. Clark is Associate Professor of Political Science at Tulane University. She is also Executive Director of the Center for International Studies. Professor Clark writes on Costa Rican politics, development policy, and health reform issues. ...

