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BOOKS RECEIVED FOR REVIEW The followingbooks are currently available for review in The Latin Arncricanist, as of April 1,2007. If you would like to review one of the books listed here, contact: Bruce Dean Willis Book Review Editor, TLA University of Tulsa Arias, Enrique Desmond. 2006.Drugs and Democracy in Riodelaneiro:Trafickirzg, Social Networks, and Public Security. U North Carolina P. Azuela, Mariano. 2006. Tlze Underdogs and Related Texts. Trans. Gustavo Pellon. Hackett. Barr, Juliana. 2007. Peace Came in the Form of a Woman: Indians and Sparziards in tlie Texas Borderlands. UNC Press. Boone, Elizabeth Hill. 2007. Cycles of Time and Meaning in the Mexican Books of Fate. U Texas P. Brown, R. McKenna et al. 2006 La utz azuach? lntroduction to Kaqchickel Mayn Language. U Texas P. Buchenau, Jurgen. 2007. Plutarco Eli'as Calles and the Mexican Revolution. Rowman, Littlefield. Carman, Glen. 2006. Rlzetorical Conquests: Cortis, Gomara, and Renaissance Imperialism. Purdue UP. Castro, Daniel. 2007. Another Face of Empire: BartolonzP de las Casas, Indigenous Rights, and Ecclesiastical Imperialism. Duke UP. de Leon, Arnold0 and Richard Griswold del Castillo. 2006. North to Aztlrin: A History of Mexican Americans in the United States. 2"". Ed. Harlan Davidson Dore, Elizabeth. 2006. M!jtlzs of Modernity: Peonage and Patriarchy in Nicaragua. Duke UP. Fernandes, Sujatha. 2006. Cuba Represent! Cuban Arts, State Pozuer, and the Making of New Revolutionary Cultures. Duke UP. Fernandez de Oviedo, Gonzalo. 2006. WritingsfYoni the Edge of the World. The Memoirs of Dariin, 2524-2527. Trans. G. F. Dille. Alabama UP. TheLatin Americanist, Spring 2007 Francois, Marie Ellen. 2006. A Culture of Everyday Credit: Housekeeping, Pawnbroking, and Governance in Mexico City, 1750, 1920. U Nebraska P. Friedlander, Judith. 2006. Being Indian in Hueyapan. (revised and updated). Palgrave. Gonzales-Day,Ken. 2006. Lynching in the West 2850-1935. Duke UP Guaman Poma de Ayala, Felipe. 2006. The First New Chronicle and Good Government (abridged).Trans. David Frye. Hackett. Hecht, Tobias. 2006. After Life:An EtlznographicNovel (with portions based on the narrations of Bruna Verissimo).Duke UP. Kelm, Orlando M. and Mary E. Risner.2007.Brazilians Workingwith Americans: Cultural Case Studies. U Texas P. Laird, Andrew. 2006. The Epic of America: An Introduction to Rafael Landivar and the RusticatioMexicana. Duckworth. Leonard, Thomas M. and JohnF. Bratzel, eds.2007.Latin America During World War11.Rowan & Littlefield. McEwan, Colin et al. 2006. Turquoise Mosaicsfrorn Mexico. Duke UP. McNamara, Patrick. 2007. Sons of the Sierra:luarez, Diaz, and the People o f Man, Oaxaca. 1855-1920. UNC Press. Metz, Brent. 2006. Ch'orti'-Maya Survival in Eastern Guatemala: Indigeneity in Transition. U New Mexico P. Mitchell, Stephanie, et al, eds.. 2007. The Women's Revolution in Mexico, 19102953 . Rowman, Littlefield. Mulcahy, Matthew. 2006.Hurricanes and Society in the British Greater Caribbean, 1624-1783.JohnsHopkins. Nations, James D. 2006. The Maya Tropical Forest: People, Parks, and Ancient Cities. U Texas P. Needell, Jeffrey D. 2006. The Party of Order: The Conservatives, the State, and Slavery in the Brazilian Monarchy, 1831-1871.Stanford UP. Olcott,Jocelyn,et al, eds. 2006. Sex in Revolution:Gender, Politics, and Power in Modern Mexico. Duke UP. Books Receivedfor Reveiw Palmer, Colin A. 2006. Eric Williams 6 The Making of the Modern Caribbean. U North Carolina P. Pearcy, Thomas. 2006. The History of Central America. Greenwood. Radding, Cynthia. 2006. Landscapes of Power and Identity: Comparative Histories in the Sonoran Desert and the Forests of Amazoniafrom Colony to Republic. Duke UP. Rennhack, Robert and Eric Offerdal, eds. 2006. The Macroeconomy of Central America. Palgrave. Rivas-Rodriguez, Maggie et al, eds. 2006.A Legacy Greater than Words:Stories of U.S.Latinos 6 Latinas of the World WarI1 Generation. U Texas P. Rodriguez, Julia. 2006. Civilizing Argentina: Science, Medicine and the Modern State. U North Carolina P. Saldivar, Ramon. 2006. The Borderlands of Culture: Ame'rico Paredes and the Transnational Imaginary.Duke UP. Salvatore, Ricardo D. 2006. lmligenes de un imperio: Estados Unidos y lasforiiias de representatcion de Ame'rica Latina. Sudamericana. Schneider, Arnd. 2006. Appropriation as Practice: Art and Identity in Argentina. Palgrave. Stern, Steve J. 2006. The Memory Box of Pinochet's Chile. (Vol. 1. Remembering Pinochet's Chile. Vol. 2. Battling for Hearts and Minds...

