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  • Dusk
  • Jidi Majia

Impressions of a People’s skin

On this land in Liangshanlet us men ride our strong horsesLet us leap as we pleaseWhen our black hairis transformed into radiant sunlightand the wind gathers our hair into an uproar of goldour burning,clamorous dreamswill soar across the free skyin that place of waban housesWhen we bare our robust bodiesand stand naked on the mountain peakgently waving our bronze arms,dusk emerges on our backs

On this land in Liangshanlet our women laugh sincerelyLet them sing and danceWhen their breasts swellin the sunlightand their children sleep in the green shadesucking in the earth’s nourishmentThis is when their gentleand passionate dreamswill soar across the affectionate skyin that place of waban houses

When they bare their full breastsand lovingly lower their bronze foreheadsto feed their infantsit’s as if dusk has fallen asleep [End Page 51]


