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  • Lullaby
  • Jidi Majia

For Nuosu mothers

Eagles in the skymust stand sometimesLeopards on landgrow tired sometimesSleep, Mama’s son(An affectionate handreaches out from that warm placewhere the singer’s furrowed browis quiet as moonlight’s apparition)

Turtledoves in the skyrest their wings sometimesRiver deer on landstand still sometimesSleep,Mama’s son(Wondrous tales in mythsare combed into young girls’ braidswho play before darkand leave their dreams outside)

Wild geese in the skysleep when it’s timeHunting dogs on landnap when it’s timeSleep,Mama’s son(Faint thunder in the distanceleftover longing that lingersThe path will no longer understandanticipation after the rainy season) [End Page 18]

The sun in the skysets when it’s timeFire pits on landare put out when it’s timeSleep,Mama’s son(When you wake up in the morningyou’ll grow into a mighty warriorIf your mamahas already left this worldYou mustn’tsearch in agony for herbecause she belongs foreverto this black earth)

The moon in the skyvanishes when it’s timeThe rivers on landgo silent when it’s timeSleep,Mama’s son(The stars have climbed the sky’s canopyThe valley’s purple breezevanished long agoOnly the soul can feelthat soundless gloom) [End Page 19]


