A very Zimbabwean coup: November 13–24, 2017
- Transformation: Critical Perspectives on Southern Africa
- Transformation
- Volume 97, 2018
- pp. 1-29
- 10.1353/trn.2018.0009
- Article
- Additional Information
Toward the end of 2017 Robert Mugabe was convinced by members of his own party and leaders of the military to retire from his 37 year presidency of Zimbabwe. That one report called the process hastening his departure an ‘unexpected but peaceful transition’ suggests that what more impartial observers call a coup nonetheless had special characteristics softening its military tenor. This exploratory article discusses some of the particularities of this ‘coup of a special type’, as well as considering the new light it shines on the political history of Zimbabwe, the party ruling it since 1980, and their future.