In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Index, Volume 53, 2018
Allen-Goss, Lucy, Transgressive Desire in Chaucer's Legend of Thisbe 194
Ascari, Maurizio, Forms of Translation: Reassessing Chaucer's Monumentalization in Westminster Abbey and in Print 402
Barootes, B. S. W., "In fourme of speche is chaunge": Final -e in Troilus and Criseyde, Book II, Lines 22–28 102
Bennett, Michael, John Gower, Squire of Kent, the Peasants' Revolt, and the Visio Anglie 258
Bjork, Robert E., The Wife of Bath's Bele Chose 336
Boffey, Julia, and A. S. G. Edwards, Context, Form, and Text in Lack of Steadfastness 235
Calabrese, Michael, Disabling Pride in the Pricke of Conscience 377
Cels, Marc B., "An irous man": Anger and Authority in the Summoner's Tale 308
Cherewatuk, Karen, and Carson Koepke, The Poet, the Painter, and the Bishop's Wife: Chaucer on the Prairie 449
Crosson, Chad G., A Language for Ethics and Eloquence: Political and Linguistic Order in Chaucer's Lak of Stedfastnesse 213
Davlin, Mary Clemente, O.P., Style and Stylistics in the Work of Charles Muscatine: A Retrospect 112
Dutton, Marsha L., Chaucer's Cunning: An Incarnational Pun and an Omission in the Middle English Dictionary 36
Edwards, A. S. G., The Publications of John Burrow, 1997–2017 252
Keiser, George R., In Memoriam: Jeanne E. Krochalis (1944–2016) 1
Lemons, Andrew, The Poetic Form of Voice in Chaucer's House of Fame 123
Matlock, Wendy A., Reading Family in the Rate Manuscript's Saint Eustace and Sir Isumbras 350
Matthews, Ricardo, Arcite's Overheard Song: The Knight's Tale and the Prosimetrum Tristan en prose 152
Meale, Carol M., In Memoriam: John Anthony Burrow (1932–2017) 249
O'Connell, Brendan, Putting the Plowman in His Place: Order and Genre in the Early Modern Canterbury Tales 428
Parsons, Ben, Trouble at the Mill: Madness, Merrymaking, and Milling 3
Revard, Carter, Political Poems in MS Harley 2253 and the English National Crisis of 1339–41 60
Stewart, James T., "They weren no thyng ydel": Noblemen and Their Supporters in Chaucer's Knight's Tale 283
Sweeney, Mickey, In Memoriam: Sister Mary Clemente Davlin (1926–2017) 375
Taylor, Joseph, Quiet Riot: A Politics of Noise in the Cook's Tale 178
Vines, Amy N., "Who-so wylle of nurtur lere": Domestic Foundations for Social Success in the Middle English Emaré 82

