In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • From the Book and New Media Review Editor's Desk
  • Saul Hernandez, Assistant Editor and Jessica Shumake, Editor

In week nine, of a fifteen-week semester, a student in my professional writing course asks whether I will collect drafts of an upcoming assignment, as I had done earlier in the semester. I reply that I have only just recently dug myself out from grading and will not be assigning or collecting drafts in week nine. The same student, Serjan Lumani, a finance major, then suggests that I ought to collect drafts and offer interest to students, in the form of bonus points, should my feedback be untimely. Should I fall into deep arrears on offering feedback he suggests a compounded interest rate (i.e., more bonus points). Smiles widen and laughter erupts as the grade inflation fantasy takes hold of students' imaginations. My mood lightens too as I imagine the reprieve from guilt I may experience if I can repay students, in the form of bonus points, whenever I am overdue in my obligations.

There is a dignity and a peace that comes from reimagining the ties that bind us to one another and yet too frequently defy naming. I wish to acknowledge the debt I owe to outgoing CLJ editors John Warnock and Michael Moore for their generous mentorship and ability to imagine the future of CLJ in the hands of incoming editors Veronica House and Paul Feigenbaum. In Michael's words, the work of CLJ has always been about "people who care about people and their literacy practices." As Paul and Veronica articulated at the Editors' Roundtable Discussion at the Conference on Community Writing in October 2017, one hope for the journal's future is to extend "rigorous generosity" to all writers who submit their work for publication. This inaugural issue attempts to manifest how a vision of "rigorous generosity" can be realized and accomplished. I am grateful to the writers whose work appears in the book review and new media section for their careful, detailed prose. Bonus points are owed to those authors whose work remains in the publication queue for future issues. [End Page 72]

Saul Hernandez, Assistant Editor
Middle Georgia Regional Library System
Jessica Shumake, Editor
University of Notre Dame

