In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Books Received


Alonge, Tristan. Racine et Euripde. La révolution trahie. Geneva: Droz, 2017. 412pp.
Amin, Kadji. Disturbing Attachments: Genet, Modern Pederasty, and Queer History. Durham: Duke UP, 2017. xi + 255pp.
Cavagna, Mattia, ed. Le Miroir historial. Tome I (livres I-IV) par Jean de Vignay. Paris: Société des Anciens Textes Français, 2016. 814pp.
Chaouat, Bruno. Is Theory Good for the Jews? French Thought and the Challenge of the New Antisemitism. Liverpool: Liverpool UP, 2016. xxv + 262pp.
Correspondance de Théodore de Bèze Tome XLIII (1603–1605), recueillie par Hippolyte Aubert, publiée par Alain Dufour, Hervé Genton, Kevin Bovier et Claire Moutengou Barats; avec la collaboration de Béatrice Nicollier. Geneva: Droz, 2017. xxvii + 185pp.
Edgington, Erin E. Fashioned Texts and Painted Books: Nineteenth-Century French Fan Poetry. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2017. 209pp.
Elsayed, Hanan. L’Histoire sacrée de l’Islam dans la fiction maghrébine. Paris: Éditions Karthala, 2016. 178pp.
Fişek, Emine. Aesthetic Citizenship: Immigration and Theater in Twenty-First-Century Paris. Evanston: Northwestern UP, 2017. xi + 227pp.
Francis, Gladys M. Odious Caribbean Women and the Palpable Aesthetics of Transgression. Lanham: Lexington Books, 2017. xxiv + 155pp.
Gorrillot, Bénédicte and Fabrice Thumerel, eds. Christian Prigent: trou(v)er sans langue. Avec les inédits de Christian Prigent. Paris: Hermann Éditeurs, 2017. 547pp.
Goulbourne, Russell and David Higgins, eds. Jean-Jacques Rousseau and British Romanticism: Gender and Selfhood, Politics and Nation. London: Bloomsbury, 2017. 264pp.
Hiddleston, Jane. Writing After Postcolonialism: Francophone North African Literature in Transition. London: Bloomsbury, 2017. vii + 291pp.
Huw, Grange. Saints and Monsters in Medieval French and Occitan Litertaure. Oxford: Legenda, 2017. ix + 128pp.
Jacobi, Claudia. Proust dixit? Réceptions de La Recherche dans l’autofiction de Serge Doubrovsky, Carmen Martín Gaite et Walter Siti. Bonn: Bonn UP, 2016. 299pp.
McGuinness, Patrick and Emily McLaughlin, eds. The Made and the Found: Essays, Prose and Poetry in Honour of Michael Sheringham. Oxford: Legenda, 2017. x + 193pp.
Registres du Consistoire de Genève au temps de Calvin. Tome XI (20 février 1556–4 février 1557), publiés par Jeffrey R. Watt et Isabella M. Watt. Geneva: Droz, 2017. xli + 391pp.
Sheringham, Michael. Perfpetual Motion: Studies in French Poetry from Surrealism to the Postmodern. Oxford: Legenda, 2017. xvii + 379pp.
Talbayev, Edwige Tamalet. The Transcontiental Maghreb. Francophone Literature Across the Mediterranean. New York: Fordham UP, 2017. x + 260pp.

