- NTSSA Membership List 2018
Adamo, Rev Prof David Tuesday, Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, Kogi State University, Anyigba, Nigeria. +234 8075109007; +234 706 5497020. adamodt@yahoo.com
Akper, Dr GI, Reformed Theological Seminary, Mkar, P.M.B. 204 Gboko, Benue State, Nigeria. gakper2000@yahoo.co.uk
Banda, Dr Devison T, Justo Mwale Theological University College, Plot 19, Chamba Valley-Munali Road, PO Box 310199, Lusaka 15301, Zambia. (h) +260 211 291739 (c) +260 977 803 740/+260 955 920 841. dtmbanda@gmail.com
Bosman, Ds MJ, Stellastraat 158, Waterkloof, Pretoria 0181. (w) 012 460 9555 (h) 012 460 9500. tienie@stellastraat.co.za
Botha, Dr JE, Posbus 11738, Queenswood 0121. (h) 012 333 9891 (c) 083 289 0190. eugene99@mweb.co.za; www.eugenebotha.co.za
Botha, Prof PJJ, Departement van Bybelse en Antieke Studies/ Department of Biblical and Ancient Studies, Posbus 392, UNISA 0003. (w) 012 429 4062 (h) 012 803 0933. bothapjj@unisa.ac.za
Bredenkamp, Dr DSM, 9 Talamati, Dr Voslooweg, Bartletts, Boksburg 1459. dawiebre@vodamail.co.za
Bullock, Jacob (SIL), 3900 Swiss Avenue, Dallas, TX 75204, USA. (h) 01 903 601 1537. jacob_bullock@sil.org
Button, Dr Bruce, PO Box 31442, Waverley 0135. (t) 012 330 2030 (c) 082 412 4972. bruce@imago-web.co.za
Campbell, Rev DN, 50 Fordholm Road, Hawthorn, Melbourne 3122, Victoria, Australia. (h) +61 (0) 3 9818 5074 (c) +61 (0) 448 026 834. douglasncampbell@gmail.com
Chang, Chi-Wei (Isa), 67 Esselen Street, Potchefstroom 2531. isa1214@gmail.com
Chetty, Prof IG, Centre for Theology and Religion, University of Fort Hare, P/Bag X1314, Alice 5700. (h) 043 6442051 (c) 083 2800339 (w) 040 6022582. ichetty@ufh.ac.za
Chinyena, Earlment, Stand Number 4394, Mkoba 17, Gweru, Zimbabwe. (t) +263 712931669. earlmethc@gmail.com
Cloete, D, Beromasingel 23, Beroma Landgoed, Bellville 7530. daancloete@telkomsa.net
Combrink, Ds HJB, PO Box 1247, Stellenbosch 7599. (c) 072 308 5431. hans_combrink@icloud.com
Combrink, Prof HJB, Posbus 214, Stellenbosch 7599. (h) 021 883 3920 (c) 083 235 0163. combrink@biblesociety.co.za
Connoway, Izaak, 8 Transvalia Road, Unie Park, Stellenbosch 7600. (c) 079 136 7158. Izaak@sats.edu.za [End Page 253]
Craffert, Prof PF, Departement van Bybelse en Antieke Studies/Department of Biblical and Ancient Studies, Posbus 392, UNISA 0003. (w) 012 429 4060 (h) 012 667 4457 (c) 083 324 4485. craffpf@unisa.ac.za
Cromhout, Dr M, 130 Raats Drive, Table View, Cape Town 7441. (c) 082 574 1549 markuscromhout@gmail.com
Cronjé, Past SW, Postnet Suite 97, P/Bag X1, Jukskei Park 2153, Randburg. (h) 011 791 0689 (c) 074 101 3894; 081 733 3028. schalkwc@telkomsa.net
De Carvalho, Jose, SATS, PO Box 400, Johannesburg 2056. (c) 071 608 8458. jose@sats.edu.za
D'Helt, Alexandre, 17 Avenue F Roosevelt, 1050 Brussels, Belgium. (w) +32 472637259. adhelt@ulb.ac.be
Daniels, Dr JW (Jack), Flagler College, 74 King Street, Saint Augustine, FL 32084, USA. (t) 904 819 6330 (c) 904 806 7525. DanielsJ@flagler.edu
Dannhauser, EH, Reierweg 112, Atlasville 1459. (c) 082 900 0963. Peetdippenaar7@gmail.com; forestina01@gmail.com
David, Fr. Sylvester OMI, St. Joseph's Theological Institute, PO Box 100464, Scottsville 3209. (w) 033 343 5930 (h) 033 396 5177. sdavid@sjti.ac.za; sdomi@eject.co.za
*Decharneux, Prof B, rue de Bruxelles 101 (Place de l'Empereur), B-1470 Genappe, Belgium. Office: Université Libre de Bruxelles, 17 Avenue F Roosevelt, 1050 Brussels, Belgium. (h) +32 67771132 (c) +32 26503849.
De Kock-Malan, Annemarie, Posbus 4001, Old Oak, Bellville 7537. (c) 082 518 0039. annemarie.s.de.kock@gmail.com
De Milander, Cornelia, PO Box 1149, Gansbaai 7220. (c) 083 737 1135. lolly.demilander@hotmail.com
De Villiers, Prof PGR, La Clemence 109, Stellenbosch 7600. (c) 083 259 5039 (f) 021 880 1724. pgdevilliers@mweb.co.za
De Wet, Prof Chris L, PO Box 17585, Randhart, Alberton 1457. Departement van Bybelse en Antieke Studies/ Department of Biblical and Ancient Studies, Posbus 392, UNISA 0003. (w) 012 429 4692 (h) 011 683 8927 (c) 072 5988711. chrisldw@gmail.com; dwetcl@unisa.ac.za
Decock, Prof PB, St Joseph's Theological Institute, Cedara, P/Bag 6004, Hilton 3245. (c) 076 6684953. decock@sjti.ac.za...