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Botanical Heritage of Islands at the Brink of Niagara Falls
Patricia M. Eckel CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform. $28.99 Paperback. ISBN 978-1-48-414180-9. 372 pages.
Ecological Restoration and Power at Niagara Falls
Patricia M. Eckel CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform. $24.99 Paperback. ISBN 978-1-53-001773-7. 310 pages.
Jill Metcoff. University of New Mexico Press. $34.95 Cloth. ISBN 978-0-82-635790-8. 176 pages.
Sustainability and the Rights of Nature
Cameron La Follete and Chris Maser, CRC Press. $189.50 Paperback. ISBN 978-1-49-878844-1. 406 pages. [End Page 164]

