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  • About the Authors

Gary Dorrien teaches at Union Theological Seminary and Columbia University. His many books include Kantian Reason and Hegelian Spirit (Blackwell, 2012), which won the Association of American Publishers' PROSE Award in 2013, and The New Abolition: W. E. B. Du Bois and the Black Social Gospel (Yale, 2015) which won the Grawemeyer Award in 2017.

William Hart, professor and holder of the Margaret W. Harmon Chair at Macalester College, researches the intersection of religion, ethics, and politics. His current projects include an exploration of antiblackness within the theoretical discourse of black studies; a comparative analysis of human sacrifice in religion and statecraft; and the ethical and rhetorical associations among religion, slavery, race, criminality, and animality His most recent book is Afro-Eccentricity: Beyond the Standard Narrative of Black Religion (Palgrave, 2011).

Julia Robinson Moore is an associate professor of African American religions and religions of the African diaspora in the Department of Religious Studies at UNC Charlotte. She is the author of Race, Religion, and the Pulpit: The Life of Reverend Robert L. Bradby and the Making of Urban Detroit (Wayne State University Press, 2015). She has lectured on racial and religious violence in Canada, Ghana, Germany, Italy, Japan, and in England at Oxford University.

Robert Cummings Neville, professor of philosophy, religion, and theology at Boston University, is a longtime member and former president of (H)IARPT, and a frequent contributor to AJTP. He is the author most recently of Defining Religion (SUNY, 2017).

Daniel J. Ott is an associate professor in the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies at Monmouth College. His research interests include liberal theology in the twentieth century and Christian approaches to peace and nonviolence. His articles and review articles have appeared in Theology Today, Political Theology, and the American Journal for Theology and Philosophy among others. He is coauthor with Hannah Schell of Christian Thought in America: A Brief History (Fortress, 2015).

Shannon Sullivan is the chair of philosophy and a professor of philosophy and health psychology at UNC Charlotte. Her recent publications include Good White People: The Problem with Middle-Class White Anti-Racism (SUNY, [End Page 100] 2014), The Physiology of Sexist and Racist Oppression (Oxford, 2015), and Feminist Interpretations of Williams James, coedited with Erin C. Tarver (Penn State, 2015). [End Page 101]


