Russell Sage Foundation
Figure 1. Variance Explained by AFB and NEB Polygenic Scores Source: Authors' calculations from the Health and Retirement Survey, LifeLines Cohort Study, Twins-UK, and STR. Note: Calculated with the inclusion of SNPs at different levels of significance. Polygenic scores were calculated from the meta-analysis results excluding the validation cohort. The y-axis is the variance explained (R-squared from OLS regression with polygenic score as sole predictor). The x-axis represents the p-value inclusion threshold used in the construction of the polygenic score. The black line is the sample-size-weighted mean R-squared. Cohort-specific estimates and 95 percent confidence intervals obtained with one thousand bootstrap samples. Results are adjusted for birth cohort, first ten principal components, and sex. Clustered standard errors have been used for family-based studies.
Figure 1.

Variance Explained by AFB and NEB Polygenic Scores

Source: Authors' calculations from the Health and Retirement Survey, LifeLines Cohort Study, Twins-UK, and STR.

Note: Calculated with the inclusion of SNPs at different levels of significance. Polygenic scores were calculated from the meta-analysis results excluding the validation cohort. The y-axis is the variance explained (R-squared from OLS regression with polygenic score as sole predictor). The x-axis represents the p-value inclusion threshold used in the construction of the polygenic score. The black line is the sample-size-weighted mean R-squared. Cohort-specific estimates and 95 percent confidence intervals obtained with one thousand bootstrap samples. Results are adjusted for birth cohort, first ten principal components, and sex. Clustered standard errors have been used for family-based studies.
