Linguistic Society of America

[Download TXT] Tone-tune association in Tommo So (Dogon) folk songs. Online supplementary materials: Data corpus

This is a tab-delimited text file of the bigram data corpus used as the input for statistical analyses.


[Download WAV file] Tone-tune association in Tommo So (Dogon) folk songs. Online supplementary materials: Song recordings

This is a recording containing all songs transcribed and analyzed in the article. All music and lyrics remain the intellectual property of Tepama Ouologuem, Roukiatou Djeboukile, and Kounjay Ouologuem.

Stream MP3 version here:


[Download WAV file] Tone-tune association in Tommo So (Dogon) folk songs. Online supplementary materials: ‘An elephant gave birth’

This is a 02:19 extracted clip of the song ‘An elephant gave birth’, a partial score for which can be seen below and found in the appendix of the main article. Stream MP3 version here:

inline graphic inline graphic


[Download WAV file] Tone-tune association in Tommo So (Dogon) folk songs. Online supplementary materials: ‘Don’t forget us’

This is a 01:40 extracted clip of the song ‘Don’t forget us’, a partial score for which can be seen below and found in the appendix of the main article. Stream MP3 version here:

inline graphic inline graphic


[Download WAV file] Tone-tune association in Tommo So (Dogon) folk songs. Online supplementary materials: ‘The crane’

This is a 00:43 extracted clip of the song ‘The crane’, a partial score for which can be seen below and found in the appendix of the main article. Stream MP3 version here:

inline graphic inline graphic inline graphic

Laura McPherson
Dartmouth College
Kevin M. Ryan
Harvard University
