- Annual Bibliography of Works About Life Writing, 2016–2017
Focuses on women's wartime experiences and their impact on Swedish society.
Collects and contextualizes accounts and documents from the 1860s Utah Territory, with a focus on military history.
Uses life stories of Mexican boxers to trace the history and meaning of Mexican boxing.
Reconstructs the lives of individuals who were drawn into the uprising and shows how the history of certain white families and their slaves shaped the course of the rebellion.
Recovers and reinterprets the lives of women from the Islamic world who traveled as slaves, captives, or wives to Scotland and England during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.
Profiles over 100 lives of early western frontier America.
Covers the most important and intriguing aspects of Teika's achievements and career and explores the reasons behind Teika's fame while offering distinctive arguments about his oeuvre. [End Page 695]
Introduces the notion of "granular ethnography" as a new approach to qualitative research that is sensitive to the complexities of everyday social life.
Combines photographs with the voices of migrant farmworkers to off portraits of laborers following jobs that last only for the harvesting season.
Narrates the individual stories of survival and the collective story of Jews struggling to maintain a community despite significant resistance.
An art novel exploring narratives of the self through the language of the arts and life writing.
Rethinks American working-class history by investigating the ways in which working-class people's personal lives intersected with their activism and religious, racial, ethnic, and class identities.
Examines middle-class and upwardly mobile children of Maghrébin, or North African immigrants.
Highlights the ways that Deleuze's legacy has influenced many branches of contemporary philosophy.
Traces youth experiences through ethnographic accounts to examine how knowledge and attitudes toward historical injustice traverse public and private spaces.
Combines historical and literary analyses with biographical explorations of Langston Hughes to open a space to read Langston Hughes' writing religiously.
Intervenes in disability studies and war history by drawing on images from WWI, contemporary photography, and video games to interrogate the representation of war and injury.
Uses recently discovered primary sources from a Hawaiian boarding school for girls for insight into the illegal overthrow of the Hawaiian Kingdom and the Queen's life...