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  • Maternal Mortality

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World Policy Journal compared Indigenous maternal mortality rates to national maternal mortality rates in six countries. Indigenous maternal mortality rates ranged from 52 to 172 percent higher than national rates, and tended to coincide with abortion policies. Indigenous populations in these countries are often poorer and more likely to live in areas with limited access to abortion and reproductive health care.

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Compiled by Annika Mukherjee

Sources: “Maternal mortality in Yunnan, China,” Li et al; “A prospective key informant surveillance system to measure maternal mortality,” Barnett et al; “Indigenous Birth Outcomes in Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the United States,” Smylie et al; “Indigenous Women of Latin America,” Heather Wurtz; Center for Reproductive Rights; United Nations Honduras Country Report; Peru Support Group.

Designed by Meehyun Nam Thompson

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