In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Forthcoming

VOL. 26, NO. 1-2         OCEANIA IN THEORY

This special issue explores contemporary Oceania, moving between Western and Pacific ontologies and epistemologies. From the political to the literary, how can we theorize Oceanian modernity, ensuring that we reflect and engage without imposing Western models or privileging Western experiences? What is at stake in the myriad names, often imposed by colonial power structures, that mark the region? How do we formalize the modernity of independence movements, which were often bound by distinctly antimodern rhetoric? If we take modernism to denote a creative response to and exploration of the material conditions of modernity, then is Oceanic literature and creative arts a modernism? How can the archipelagic modernity of Oceania reconfigure our understandings of the modern, modernity and modernism in the rest of the world? And how, particularly in this time of anthropogenic climate change, can modern Pasifika traditions serve as a guide for modernity at large?

(Deadline: closed)

VOL. 27, NO. 1-2         BLUE HUMANITIES

This special issue examines the growing body of work known as the "blue humanities" which is historicizing the ocean and making it part of contemporary consciousness in a way—one hopes—that will help environmental activism's bid to "save" the ocean. Yet, what defines the "blue humanities"? How does it leverage trans-disciplinary inquiry and why do we need the blue humanities now?

(Deadline: 1 August 2018) [End Page 601]


