Russell Sage Foundation
Table 4. Regression of Log Weekly Earnings for U.S.-Born and Immigrant Black Men Sources: 2000 U.S. census of population and 2010–2014 ACS. Note: All models also control for education, experience, experience squared, English proficiency, marital status, citizenship, survey year, and a set of dummy variables for metropolitan area. *p < .05; **p < .01; ***p < .001
Table 4.

Regression of Log Weekly Earnings for U.S.-Born and Immigrant Black Men

Sources: 2000 U.S. census of population and 2010–2014 ACS.

Note: All models also control for education, experience, experience squared, English proficiency, marital status, citizenship, survey year, and a set of dummy variables for metropolitan area.

*p < .05; **p < .01; ***p < .001
