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405 News Notes Richard L. ~kCormick. Assistant Profrssor l1f Histnrv at Rutger~ Colk!!L' (if Rutgers University. has been awarded the 1979KERR HISTORY PRIZE hy the New York State Historical Association fnr his artide. "Prelude to Progressivism: The Transformation of New York State Pnlitics. 1~90-1910." which appeared in the July 1978 issue L)f Sew rork Histo,:r. and has ahl) received the New York State Historical AsSL)Ciation MANUSCRIPr AWARD for 1979 for his monograph. '"Shaping Republican Strateg~: Political Change in New York State. 1890-19IO." This is the first time in the history of the awards that one individual has \Vern both. The KERR HISTORY PRIZE. $200 and a handsome scroll. is awarded annuallv tl) the best article appearing in New York History. McCormick's winning article deals with political changes that stimulated progressivism in New York State. The New York State Historical Association r,.,,t..\NUSCRIPT A\VARD-a $ 1000 prize and assistance in publication-is awarded annually to the best unpublished monograph dealing with some aspect of New York history. McCormick's award-winning monograph analyzes the changes that took place in New York politics between 1890 and 19lO. He finds that these changes were influenced by two basic forces: the decline of political partisanship and the grmvth of economic interest groups. Manuscripts are now being received for the 1980 MANUSCRIPT AWARD. The deadline is February L l980. For information contact: Dr. Wendell Tripp. New York State Historical Association. Cooperstown. New York 13326: telephone (607) 547-2508. The American Association for State and Local History announces the publication of a new guide to funding. Funding Sources and Technical Assistance for Musewns and Historical Agencies. A Guide to Public Programs. In "leatherlike" binding the 144 page volume sells for $ IO. to AASLH members $7.50. This guide for history museums. art museums. science museums and other historical organizations describes the opportunities for funding and technical assistance in federal and regional agencies and national organizations-103 public programs in all. The guide was compiled by Hedy Hartman. Museum Liaison for the South Carolina Museum Commission. Each entry in Funding Sources includes the agency name .md address, program objectives. types of assistance available. eligibility reqmrements . uses and use restrictions for the grants, the range and average amount of grants. and the infi.mnation contact at the agency. In additilm. M~. Hartman has coded each entry to indicate which type of institution art. science. history or all of the above-would most likely relate to the purpose of each program. Additional sectiDns of Funding Sources indude .1 hst l1f the ma_1ortraveling exhibition programs l)ffered throughout the United 406 News Notes States; names and addresses of fifty organizations nationwide who offer assistance to museums and historical agencies; and a listing of state and regional museum coordinators whose job, like the compiler's, is to provide guidance to museums in their state or region. The AASLH address is: 1400 Eighth Avenue South, Nashville, Tennessee 37203; telephone (615) 242-5583. A SPECIALPUBLICATION ON FAMILYPOLICYRESEARCH Journal of Marriage and the Family GeraldW.McDonaldandF. IvanNye, Guest Editors This issue focuses on research reports needed by individuals, policy makers, educators, and program directors in order to make informed decisions relevant to the family field, and/or to their individual families. The empirical papers in this volume offer challenges for further research on salient family issues. Write: $6.50 THENATIONALCOUNCILON FAMILYRELATIONS 1219 UniversityAvenueSoutheast Minneapolis,Minnesota55414 ...

