In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Editor's Note The editors of the Review invite readers to write commenting on articles that appear in the journal in an effort to encourage dialogue in the disciplineof American Studies. All correspondence should be addressed to: The Editor, Canadian Review of American Studies, Department of History, Universityof Calgary, 2500 University Drive NW, Calgary,Alberta, Canada T2N1N4. The Editors would also like to take this occasion to welcome as a member of the Editorial Board David Thelen, editor of the Journal of American History. Readers of the Journal of American History will know that the Organization of American Historians is undertaking to improve its international coverage of American history. Professor Thelen's presence on the Editorial Board of the Canadian Review of American Studies is one of a number of measures taken by the Canadian Association for American Studiesto facilitate interaction between Americanist scholars in Canada and the United States. C.B. S.J.R. vii ...

