In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Canadian Review of American Studies Revuecanadienned'etudesamericaines AWARDS 169 To encourage research and writing on material culture, the University Press of Kentucky will offer a prize of $1,000 and publication for the best original book manuscript in the field. The deadline isJuly 1, 1999. Works of fiction, poetry, and drama are not eligible. Please submit two legibly typed, double spaced copies of the manuscript and illustrations. Manuscripts should be 60,000 to 100,000 words in length. The Award Committee is chaired by Simon J. Bronner, Distinguished Professor of American Studies atPennsylvaniaState University, in association with the Material Culture Caucus of the American Studies Association. The prize-winning manuscript will be published by the University Press of Kentucky in the series, Material Worlds. Manuscripts should contain a statement describing the subject, significance, and length of the manuscript and give the author's name, address, and affiliation. Also included should be astatement certifying that the manuscript is original, that no significant portion of the work has been published and that the manuscript is not under consideration with another publisher or awards committee. Submit entries to Allison Webster, Acquisitions Editor, University Press of Kentucky, 663 South Limestone Street, Lexington, KY 40508-4008. Inquiries: (606) 257-8438 or ...

