In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Periodical Literature

General and Miscellaneous

  • Understanding the Shift in Gaudium et Spes: From the Theology of History to Christian Anthropology. Dries Bosschaert. Theological Studies, 78 (Sept., 2017), 634–58.

  • Il magistero e il ministero di Paolo VI sulla pace. Pietro Card. Parolin. Istituto Paolo VI, notiziario n.73 (June, 2017), 32–44.

  • Exulta, Lusitania felix. Lettera apostolica di Pio XII per il titolo di dottore evangelico a sant'Antonio di Padova (1946). Genesi ed evoluzione. Luciano Bertazzo. Il Santo, LVI (3, 2016), 335–86.

  • Culto dei santi francescani in Marmilla e alcuni gosos in loro onore. Mauro Badas. Collectanea Franciscana, 87 (1–2, 2017), 202–30.

  • La vida en el Colegio de Doncellas Nobles de Toledo. Ángel Santos Vaquero. Hispania Sacra, 69 (2017), 149–61.

  • Les Lyonnais et saint Bonaventure (fin du XVe-XVIIIe siècles). Fabienne Henryot. Revue historique, 141, No. 682 (Apr., 2017), 267–95.

  • La Riforma come promessa di comunione. Dal Consensus Tigurinus alla Concordia di Leuenberg. Fulvio Ferrario. Archivio Teologico Torinese, XXII (2, 2016), 253–67.

  • The Meaning of "Quaker History." Jeffrey Dudiak. Quaker History, 106 (Spring, 2017), 1–21.

  • L'Évolution du culte des saints martyrs au XXe siècle, avant le Concile Vatican II. Philippe Beitia. Ephermerides Liturgicae, CXXXI (Apr.-June, 2017), 129–61.

  • Old Souls, New World. Marilynne Robinson. Harvard Divinity Bulletin, 45 (Spring-Summer, 2017), 22–35.


  • Gli epistolari cristiani dei primi cinque secoli e il trasformarsi delle lettere. Clara Burini De Lorenzi. Augustinianum, LVI (June, 2016), 175–93.

  • Ehe, Scheidung und Wiederheirat in der Alten Kirche: Historische Betrachtungen. Peter Bruns. Forum Katholische Theologie, 33 (2, 2017), 81–97.

  • The Jew of Celsus and adversus Judaeos literature. James N. Carleton-Paget. Zeitschrift für Antikes Christentum, 21 (Aug., 2017), 201–42.

  • Schlafende und Träumende in der frühchristlichen Kunst. Jutta Dresken-Weiland. Römische Quartalschrift, 111 (3–4, 2016), 204–23. [End Page 831]

  • Apud beatum Petrum vigilemus. Die nächtliche Verehrung der Märtyrergräber in Rom. Stefan Heid. Römische Quartalschrift, 111 (3–4, 2016), 224–51.

  • Shaping Church-State Relations After Constantine: The Political Theology of Hilary of Poitiers. Eric Wickman. Church History, 86 (June, 2017), 287–310.

  • La fede degli iniziati. L'itinerario dei credenti nelle Catechesi Mistagogiche del IV secolo. Americo Miranda. Augustinianum, LVI (June, 2016), 119–43.

  • This Kind Only Comes Out by Prayer (and Fasting): Fasting, Ritual Efficacy and Magical Thinking in Early Christianity. Brandon Walker. Journal of Ritual Studies, 31 (1, 2017), 43–52.

  • Il posto di Ambrogio di Milano tra i misericordes nostri. Luigi F. Pizzolato. Aevum, XCI (Jan.–Apr., 2017), 221–40.

  • Heavenly Visions: Experiencing Euphemia's and Hippolytus's Martyria. Fernando Gorab Leme. Journal of Early Christian Studies, 25 (Fall, 2017), 359–82.

  • The Wise and Foolish Virgins: Representations of Vestal Virginity and Pagan Chastity by Christian Writers in Late Antiquity. Sissel Undheim. Journal of Early Christian Studies, 25 (Fall, 2017), 383–409.

  • Palladius of Helenopolis: One Author, Two Ways to Write. Yuliya Minets. Journal of Early Christian Studies, 25 (Fall, 2017), 411–40.

  • Syrische Fragmente des Kommentars Cyrills von Alexandrien zum 1. Korinther-brief. Konrad F. Zawadzki. Zeitschrift für Antikes Christentum, 21 (Aug., 2017), 304–60.

  • Gli organizzatori della spiritualità bizantina: Basilio de Cesarea—Gregorio di Naziano. Francesco Trisoglio. Rivista di Storia e Letteratura Religiosa, LII (3, 2016), 537–49.

  • La Vita di Macrina e le Omelie sul Cantico dei Cantici di Gregorio di Nissa. Roberta Franchi. Augustinianum, LVI (June, 2016), 57–83.

  • La catedral de San Agustín de Hipona. J. A. Fortea. Revista Agustiniana, LVII (Sept.-Dec., 2016), 473–522.

  • Prosper von Aquitanien und Papst Leo der Große. Der Primat des Papstes im Spiegel einer zeitgenössischen Chronik. Jan-Markus Kötter. Römische Quartalschrift, 111 (3-4, 2016), 252–71.

  • Mistranslations of Josephus and the expansion of public charity in late antiquity. Mark Anderson. Early Medieval Europe, 25 (May, 2017), 139–61.

  • Syrische Asketen und Asketinnen in Ägypten im frühen 6. Jh. Michael Kohlbacher. Ostkirchliche Studien, 65 (2, 2016), 271–90.

  • Christliche Explikationen in der Gesetzgebung Justinians I. Karen Piepenbrink. Zeitschrift für Antikes Christentum, 21 (Aug., 2017), 361–82.

  • The military, the clergy, and Christian...

