In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Index to Volume 93 (2017)

/u/-fronting and agent-based modeling: The relationship between the origin and spread of sound change. By J. Harrington and F. Schiel. 93(2).414–45 (2017).

Accounting for the learnability of saltation in phonological theory: A maximum entropy model with a P-map bias. By J. White. 93(1).1–36 (2017).

Active dependency formation in islands: How grammatical resumption affects sentence processing. By M. Keshev and A. Meltzer-Asscher. 93(3).549–68 (2017).

African(ist) perspectives on vitality: Fluidity, small speaker numbers, and adaptive multilingualism make vibrant ecologies (Response to Mufwene) [Perspectives]. By F. Lüpke. 93(4).e275–e279 (2017).

Alderete, John, and A. Kochetov. Integrating sound symbolism with core grammar: The case of expressive palatalization. 93(4).731–66 (2017).

All dissimilation is computationally subsequential [Phonological Analysis]. By A. Payne. 93(4).e353–e371 (2017).

Archangeli, Diana; M. Hammond; Y. Chen; E. Bell; A. Carnie; A. Ussishkin; and M. Fisher. Phonological restrictions on lenition in Scottish Gaelic. 93(2).446–72 (2017).

Archibald, John. Rev. of Tessier, Phonological acquisition: Child language and constraint-based grammar [Teaching Linguistics]. 93(4).e375–e377 (2017).

Are some languages better than others? By R. M. W. Dixon. Rev. by L. Johanson. 93(2).475–77 (2017).

Arnett, Carlee; M. Dunn; T. K. Dewey; T. Eythórsson; and J. Barðdal. Dative sickness: A phylogenetic analysis of argument structure evolution in Germanic [Historical Syntax]. 93(1).e1–e22 (2017).

Aronoff, Mark, and K. Berg. Self-organization in the spelling of English suffixes: The emergence of culture out of anarchy. 93(1).37–64 (2017).

Auderset, Sandra; M. Widmer; J. Nichols; P. Widmer; and B. Bickel. NP recursion over time: Evidence from Indo-European. 93(4).799–826 (2017).

Austronesian languages, The. Revised edn. By R. Blust. RA by E. L. Keenan and S. Chung. 93(1).220–39 (2017).

Axel-Tober, Katrin. The development of the declarative complementizer in German [Historical Syntax]. 93(2).e29–e65 (2017).

Backgrounded agents in Catalan Sign Language (LSC): Passives, middles, or impersonals? By G. Barberà and P. Cabredo Hofherr. 93(4).767–98 (2017).

Bane, Max; M. Sonderegger; and P. Graff. The medium-term dynamics of accents on reality television. 93(3).598–640 (2017).

Baptista, Marlyse. On the role of agency, marginalization, multilingualism, and language policy in maintaining language vitality: Commentary on Mufwene [Perspectives]. 93(4).e298–e305 (2017).

Barberà, Gemma, and P. Cabredo Hofherr. Backgrounded agents in Catalan Sign Language (LSC): Passives, middles, or impersonals? 93(4).767–98 (2017).

Barðdal, Jóhanna; M. Dunn; T. K. Dewey; C. Arnett; and T. Eythórsson. Dative sickness: A phylogenetic analysis of argument structure evolution in Germanic [Historical Syntax]. 93(1).e1–e22 (2017).

Beavers, John, and A. Koontz-Garboden. Result verbs, scalar change, and the typology of motion verbs. 93(4).842–76 (2017).

Bell, Elise; M. Hammond; Y. Chen; A. Carnie; D. Archangeli; A. Ussishkin; and M. Fisher. Phonological restrictions on lenition in Scottish Gaelic. 93(2).446–72 (2017).

Berg, Kristian, and M. Aronoff. Self-organization in the spelling of English suffixes: The emergence of culture out of anarchy. 93(1).37–64 (2017).

Bergen, Benjamin K. What the F: What swearing reveals about our language, our brains, and ourselves. Rev. by L. W. McGarrity [Teaching Linguistics]. 93(4).e372–e374 (2017).

Berkson, Kelly; S. Davis; and A. Strickler. What does incipient /ay/-raising look like? A response to Josef Fruehwald [Replies]. 93(3).e181–e191 (2017).

Beyond aspect: The expression of discourse functions in African languages. Ed. by D. L. Payne and S. Shirtz. Rev. by S. Robert. 93(1).243–47 (2017).

Bickel, Balthasar; M. Widmer; S. Auderset; J. Nichols; and P. Widmer. NP recursion over time: Evidence from Indo...

