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  • Index to Volume Thirty-One 2017


Commemoration of the Reformation in Germany and Lund, Theodor Dieter, 22–49

Exploring the Legacy of Paul Althaus, Ryan Tafilowski, 64–84

Heidelberg Disputation; April 26, 1518, The, Nicholas Hopman, 436–444

Luther and Lutherans on Confession, "the Forgotten Sacrament," Karl-Hermann Kandler, 50–63

Luther in Slovak, L'ubomír Batka, 85–93

Lutheran Approach to Eschatology, A, Jeffrey G. Silcock, 373–395

Lutheran Faith and American Freedom, Gerhard O. Forde, 424–435

Mary Muhlenberg Speaks, Karl Krueger, 396–423

Prolegomena to Lutheran Theology, R. David Nelson, 125–149

Reappraisal of the Orders of Creation, A, Ryan Tafilowski, 288–309

Relationship between Theology and Natural Sciences, The, Oswald Bayer, 172–188

Righteousness of Faith in the Earliest Luther, The, Martin J. Lohrmann, 320–327

Sacrament of the Altar, The, Gordon A. Jensen, 1–21

Sacraments as Eschatological Gift and Promise, Gerhard O. Forde, 310–319

Unbounded Creator and the Bounded Creatures, The, Charles P. Arand, 267–287

Wittenberg Concord, The, Gordon A. Jensen, 150–171

95 Theses As Luther's Template for Reading Scripture, The, Timothy J. Wengert, 249–266 [End Page 495]


Arand, Charles P., The Unbounded Creator and the Bounded Creatures, 267–287

Batka, L'ubomír, Luther in Slovak, 85–93

Bayer, Oswald, The Relationship between Theology and Natural Sciences, 172–188

Dieter, Theodor, Commemoration of the Reformation in Germany and Lund, 22–49

Forde, Gerhard O., Lutheran Faith and American Freedom, 424–435

Forde, Gerhard O., Sacraments as Eschatological Gift and Promise, 310–319

Hopman, Nicholas, Heidelberg Disputation; April 26, 1518, The, 436–444

Jensen, Gordon A., The Sacrament of the Altar, 1–21

Jensen, Gordon A., The Wittenberg Concord, 150–171

Kandler, Karl-Hermann, Luther and Lutherans on Confession, "the Forgotten Sacrament," 50–63

Krueger, Karl, Mary Muhlenberg Speaks, 396–423

Lohrmann, Martin J., The Righteousness of Faith in the Earliest Luther, 320–327

Nelson, R. David, Prolegomena to Lutheran Theology, 125–149

Silcock, Jeffrey G., A Lutheran Approach to Eschatology, 373–395

Tafilowski, Ryan, A Reappraisal of the Orders of Creation, 288–309

Tafilowski, Ryan, Exploring the Legacy of Paul Althaus, 64–84

Wengert, Timothy J., The 95 Theses As Luther's Template for Reading Scripture, 249–266 [End Page 496]


