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  • Periodicals


Luke Devine, "'I Sleep, but My Heart Waketh': Contiguity between Heinrich Heine's Imago of the Shulamite and Amy Levy's 'Borderland,'" pp. 219–240; Arnon Atzmon, "Literature and Liturgy in Times of Transition: The Piska 'And It Happened at Midnight' from Pesikta de-Rav Kahana," pp. 241–260; Jane L. Kanarek, "Rewriting 'Arakhin: Women and Tannaitic Vows of Valuation," pp. 261–278; Eran Viezel, "'The Anxiety of Influence': Rashbam's Approach to Rashi's Commentary on the Torah," pp. 279–304; Lynn Kaye, "A 'Great Man' Said That? The Representation and Significance of Scholastic Failure in the Babylonian Talmud," pp. 305–334; David Sclar, "Adaptation and Acceptance: Moses Hayim Luzzatto's Sojourn in Amsterdam among Portuguese Jews," pp. 335–358; Devora Steinmetz, "Interpretation and Enactment: The Yerushalmi Story of Elisha ben Abuyah and the Book of Ruth," pp. 359–392.

Book Reviews, pp. 393–473.


Jews and Cities. Eli Lederhendler, "Introduction to the Theme: Jews and Cities, between Utopia and Dystopia," pp. 1–8; Scott Ury, "Lost and Found? Jewish Historians, Jewish History, and Narrativization of Order in East European Cities," pp. 9–36; Roni Hirsh-Ratzkovsky, "From Berlin to Ben Shemen: The Lehmann Brothers between Expressionism and Zionism," pp. 37–66; Dvir Tzur, "Strolling in Tel Aviv: Setting Up and Breaking Down Boundaries in S. Yizhar's Preliminaries (Mikdamot)," pp. 67–88; Naama Meishar, "Up/Rooting: Breaching Landscape Architecture in the Jewish-Arab City," pp. 89–110; Gali Drucker Bar-Am, "' Our Shtetl, Tel Aviv, Must and Will Become the Metropolis of Yiddish': Tel Aviv—A Center of Yiddish Culture?" pp. 111–132; Sidra DeKoven Ezrahi, "The Shtetl and Its Afterlife: Agnon in Jerusalem," pp. 133–154; Eliezer Hadad, "'Unintentionally' (Numbers 35:11) and 'Unwittingly' (Deuteronomy 19:4): Two Aspects of the Cities of Refuge," pp. 155–174; Tamar Ron Marvin, "A Heretic from a Good Family? A New Look at Why Levi b. Abraham b. Hayim Was Hounded," pp. 175–202; Wendy F. Soltz, "Just Miles Away but Worlds Apart: Examining Jewish Participation in Integration Programs at Black Mountain College and Highlander Folk School, 1933–1964," pp. 203–234. [End Page 463]


Steve Berneking, "A Sociology of Translation and the Central Role of the Translator," pp. 265–281; David J. Clark, "If You Had Been Here…" pp. 282–287; Andrew R. Hay, "An Exegetical Reflection on Isaiah 1.18," pp. 288–291; Nissim Amzallag and Shamir Yona, "The Meaning of ʾÔpan in Proverbs 20.26," pp. 292–302; Gert M. Knepper, "Translating Festus: The Meaning of πεΘὶ οὗ in Acts 25.18," pp. 303–314; Norman Hugh Young, "The Use and Purpose of Three Frequent Syntactical Forms in the Fourth Gospel," pp. 315–330; Lourens de Vries, "The Book of True Civilization: The Origins of the Bible Society Movement in the Age of Enlightenment," pp. 331–350; Andrew S. Malone, "Acceptable Anachronism in Biblical Studies," pp. 351–364; Carsten Ziegert, "In Pursuit of the Perfect Bible: Attitudes to Bible Translation in Hellenistic Judaism," pp. 365–379.

Book Review, pp. 380–383.


Robert A. Bascom, "Bases and Models Revisited: The Importance of Using Different Types of Reference Translations," pp. 3–10; Simon Wong, "Digitization of Old Chinese Bibles (pre-1950s)," pp. 11–19; Daniel King, "The Textual History of the New Testament and the Bible Translator," pp. 20–37; Hans Förster, "John 8.17—An Invitation to Perjury?" pp. 38–50; Alexey Somov, "Metaphorical Representations of the Biblical Concepts of Death and Resurrection When Translating in a Buddhist Context," pp. 51–63; John Hans de Jong, "An Analysis of Adoniram Judson's Translation of Zephaniah," pp. 64–87; David Lees, "Hapax Legomena in Esther 1.6: Translation Difficulties and Comedy in the Book of Esther," pp. 88–108; Aron Pinker, "Metaphors of Human Longevity in Psalm 90.5: A Case of Metathesis and


Lénart J. de Regt, "Sacrificial and Festival Terms in the Old Testament: How Can We Translate Them?" pp. 131–141; Paul J. N. Lawrence, "Adam, Linnaeus, and Lexicography," pp. 142...

