In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

INDEX - VOLUME 15 - 1980 AUTHORS/COLLABORATEURS ALEXANDER, DAVID. New Notions ofHappiness: Nationalism , Regionalism andA tfantic Canada. No. 2, 29-42. _. OldandNewMoney (commentary). No. 3, 109-11. BAUM, GREGORY. The Relevance of the Antigonish Movement Today. No. I, 110°17. BELANGER, PIERRE et ROBERGE, PIERRE. L'avant et l'apres des reformes: /'evolution de fa perception du destin scofaire au Canada central, 1965-1972. No. 3, 98-I08. BENIDI9KSON, JAMrE. Ontario's James Bay Vision. No. 3, 6°"73. BERCUSON, DAVID JAY. Regionalism and "Unlimited Identity " in Western Canada. No. 2, 121-6. BERTRAND, YVES. Disciplinarite ou interdisciplinarite? No. 3, 19-24. BRAY, R. MATTHEW. A Conflict of Nationalisms: The Win the War and National Unity Convention, 1917. No. 4, 18-30. CAMERON, DAVID R. The Imperatives of Change: Imperialism in Canadian Life (editorial). No. 2, 1-2, 127. CHAPMAN, [AN AND FARINA, CHIJMMER. The Funding of Interdisciplinary Research in Canada. No. 3, 30-3. CUDE, WILFRED. Nobody Dunit: The Loose End as Structural Element in Lady Oracle. No. I, 30-44. CONRON, BRANDON. Morley Callaghan and His Audience. No. I, 3-7. . CUDE, WILFRED. Nobody Dunit: The Loose End as Structural Element in Lady Oracle. No. I, 30-44. FARINA, CHUMMER and CHAPMAN, IAN. The Funding of Interdisciplinary Research in Canada. No. 3, 30-3. FERGUSON, BARRY and OWRAM, DOUG. Social Scientists and Public Policy From the 1920s through World War 11. No. 4, 3-17. GILLIS, PETER. Big Business and the Origins ofthe Conservative Reform Movement in Ottawa, 1890-1912. No. I, 93-109. GREENLEE, JAMES G. 'The Song of a People': Sir Robert Falconer on Empire. No. I, 80-92. GRUSHMAN, ANDREI. A Critique of "Dangerous Foreigners" (review article). No. 4, 120-4. · HARVEY. FERNAND. La question regionafe au Quebec. No. 2, 74-87. . HEINTZMAN, RALPH. Two Solitudes (editorial). No. I, 1-2, 123-4. HODGINS, BRUCE. Archibald McDonald (review of Jean Murray Cole, Exile in the Wilderness: the Life of Chief Factor Archibald McDonald, 1790-1853). No. 3, 116. HOUSE, J. D. Coastal Labrador: Incorporation, Exploitation, and Underdevelopment. No. 2, 98-113. HURLEY, MICHAEL. Dance of Death in Toronto the Good (review of Margaret Atwood, Life Before Man). No. I, 122-3. JACKEL, SUSAN. Making Connections. No. 3, 34-8. KEENLEYSIDE, T. A. Lament for a Foreign Service: The Decline ofCanadian Idealism. No. 4, 75-84. Journal ofCanadian Studies K!WKER, ARTHUR. Migration from the Disciplines. No. 3, 3-IO. LATHAM, DAVID, A Callaghan Log. No. I, 18-29. LITHWJCK, N. H. ls Federalism Good For Regionalism? No. 1,62-73. LITTLE, J. I. Watching the Frontier Disappear: EnglishSpeaking Reaction to French-Canadian Colonization in the Eastern Townships, 1844-90. No. 4, 93-111. LOTZ, JIM. The Caribou and the Lichen: Some Reflections from the Hinterland. No. 2, 114-20. MALLORY, J. R. Biography, History and Social Science in Canada: Different Questions, Different Answers. No. 4, 125-8. MARCHAK, PATRICIA. The Two Dimensions of Canadian Regionalism. No. 2, 88-97. MATTHEWS, RALPH. The Significance and Explanation of Regional Divisions in Canada: Toward a Canadian Sociology . No. 2, 43-61. MCCORMICK, PETER. Voting Behaviour in Alberta: The Quasi-Party System Revisited. No. 3, 85-97. MITCHELL, LEILA G. The External World in the Novels of Margaret Atwood. No. I, 45-55. MORIN, ANDRE. Un lieu privilegie d'interdisciplinarite: fa recherche-action en education. No. 3, 11-18. MORLEY, PATRICIA. Callaghan's Vision: Wholeness and the Individual. No. I, 8-12. MOSS, JOHN E. Native Proposals for Constitutional Reform. No. 4, 85-92. NELSON, NEIL. Issues in Funding and Evaluating Interdisciplinary Research. No. 3, 25-9. O' NEILL, PATRICK B. The British Canadian Theatrical Organization Society and the Trans-Canada Theatre Society . No. I, 56-67. OWRAM, DOUG and FERGUSON, BARRY. Social Scientists and Public Policy from the 1920s through World War ll. · No. 4, 3-17. . PERIN, ROBERTO. St-Bourget, eveque et martyr. No. 4, 43-55. ROBERGE, PIERRE et BELANGER, PIERRE w. L'avant et f'apres des reformes: !'evolution de la perception du destin scolaireau Canada central, /965-1972. No. 3, 98-108. RUBINOFF, LIONEL. Hymn to Apollo: Philosophy, Justice and the Condition ofPlurality. No. 3, 47-59. SAINT-LAURENT, PIERRE et VAILLANCOURT, FRANCOIS. Les...

