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  • Blanket, and: Light
  • Landon Godfrey


Very loyal to individuals, blankets object to being used as metaphors for vast declarations. Each time a blanket covers a body, it tries to keep the dusty soul alive through the night. With what defenses? Stripes, satin trim, a pattern pricked out in embroidery floss, weft, warp. While it's true that occasionally a reprobate in the ranks rises up and denounces the entire enterprise of singular devotion, even that blanket can't claim for sure truth holds eternal value. As it exposes a body to dangers seething under the bed by uncovering a toe or an entire foot, the rogue blanket could feel a twinge of remorse. Just don't say anything to it about all regrets or all terrors, all oceans or all hearts, those abacuses tallying away in their ichorous accounting offices, offering false assurances to everybody. [End Page 125]


The wild golden giant does his geometry lessons using windows as tools to create parallelograms, and a small mutt, who must stay inside a cold apartment alone every day, sits in a patch of sunlight feeling like a respected king basking in glory, though he must move every so often because the giant abandons his premises over and over as a dutiful show of faith in universal reality, which the dog wouldn't choose to believe in unless he were offered a biscuit. [End Page 126]


