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  • Authors of Articles in This Issue

ascensión mazuela-anguita completed a Ph.D. at the University of Barcelona in 2012 and received the research prize of the Spanish Musicological Society in 2013, which resulted in the publication of her monograph Artes de canto en el mundo ibérico renacentista (2014). She has published a number of articles on convents, women, and the music of the Inquisition in early modern Spain.

ian pace is a pianist and musicologist, and is Head of Performance and Lecturer in Music at City, University of London. His research focuses on nineteenth- and twentieth-century performance, modernist music and aesthetics, music and fascist or communist ideologies, and German music from the Weimar Republic to the post-war avant-garde. He has also premiered over 200 works and recorded over thirty CDs. He is currently working on a monograph on specialist musical education in the UK in the context of the Cold War.

robert snarrenberg is Associate Professor of Music at Washington University in St. Louis. In addition to his book Schenker's Interpretive Practice (Cambridge, 1997), he has translated essays in Schenker's Der Tonwille (Oxford, 2004–5) and written articles on a variety of topics, most recently on the prosody of German lyric song and the solo songs of Brahms.

patrick valiquet is a Canadian musicologist studying the intersection of aesthetics, politics, and technoscience in experimental music research. He holds a doctoral degree in music from the University of Oxford, where he worked with Georgina Born as a research associate on the European Research Council Seventh Framework project Music, Digitisation, Mediation: Towards Interdisciplinary Music Studies. He has held postdoctoral fellowships at the University of Edinburgh and the Institute of Musical Research, Royal Holloway, University of London. Since 2015 he has also been Associate Editor of Contemporary Music Review.

francesca vella is a junior research fellow at St John's College, Cambridge. Her research focuses primarily on political and cultural dimensions of opera within and between different urban contexts in late nineteenth-century Italy. Her work has appeared in Cambridge Opera Journal, Journal of the Royal Musical Association, Studi verdiani, and Verdi Perspektiven. [End Page 338]


