In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Index — Volume 37, 2017
Baumgartner, Kabria. Building the Future: White Women, Black Education, and Civic Inclusion in Antebellum Ohio 117
Carp, Benjamin L. World Wide Enough: Historiography, Imagination, and Stagecraft 289
Daen, Laurel. Martha Ann Honeywell: Art, Performance, and Disability in the Early Republic 225
Freeman, Joanne B. Will the Real Alexander Hamilton Please Stand Up? 255
Gilje, Paul A. Commerce and Conquest in Early American Foreign Relations, 1750–1850 735
Green, Nathaniel C. The Focus of the Wills of Converging Millions”: Public Opposition to the Jay Treaty and the Origins of the People’s Presidency 429
Isenberg, Nancy. “Make ’em Laugh”: Why History Cannot Be Reduced to Song and Dance 295
Jones-Minsinger, Elizabeth. “Our Rights Are Getting More & More Infringed Upon”: American Nationalism, Identity, and Sailors’ Justice in British Prisons during the War of 1812 471
Kelly, Catherine E. Introduction: Lin-Manuel Miranda’s Hamilton: An American Musical and the Early American Republic 251
Lewis, Jan Ellen. What Happened to the Three-Fifths Clause? The Relationship between Women and Slaves in Constitutional Thought, 1787–1866 1
Malka, Adam. “The Open Violence of Desperate Men”: Rethinking Property and Power in the 1835 Baltimore Bank Riot 193
McAllister, Marvin. Toward a More Perfect Hamilton 279
Nathans, Heather S. Crooked Histories: Re-presenting Race, Slavery, and Alexander Hamilton Onstage 271
Park, Benjamin E. The Angel of Nullification: Imagining Disunion in an Era Before Secession 507
Reeder, Tyson. Liberty with the Sword: Jamaican Maroons, Haitian Revolutionaries, and American Liberty 81
Roney, Jessica Choppin. 1776, Viewed from the West 655
Schocket, Andrew M. The American Revolution Rebooted: Hamilton and Genre in Contemporary Culture 263
Shankman, Andrew. Toward a Social History of Federalism: The State and Capitalism To and From the American Revolution 615
Strang, Cameron. Scientific Instructions and Native American Linguistics in the Imperial United States: The Department of War’s 1826 Vocabulary 399
Taylor, Alan. Introduction: Expand or Die: The Revolution’s New Empire 599
Thompson, Peter. David Walker’s Nationalism—and Thomas Jefferson’s 47
Waldstreicher, David. Ancients, Moderns, and Africans: Phillis Wheatley and the Politics of Empire and Slavery in the American Revolution 701
Zabin, Serena R. Conclusion: Writing To and From the Revolution 771
Gordon, Sarah Barringer and Shipps, Jan. Fatal Convergence in the Kingdom of God: The Mountain Meadows Massacre in American History 307
Kelman, Ari. Comment: Borderlands of Violence 349
Maffly-Kipp, Laurie F. Comment: “Fatal Convergence in the Kingdom of God” 353
Fox, Richard Wightman. The Mainstreaming of Visual Culture in U. S. History 147
Smith, Steven Carl. The Many Histories of Books in the Early American Republic 537
Alford, Fortune’s Fool: The Life of John Wilkes Booth (Scott C. Martin) 189
Allmendinger, Nat Turner and the Rising in Southampton County (Patrick Rael) 390
Barnhart, American Antiquities: Revisiting the Origins of American Archaeology (Charles Allen Wallace) 376
Breen, Shall Be Deluged in Blood: A New History of the Nat Turner Rebellion (Christa Dierksheide) 576
Clavin, Aiming for Pensacola: Fugitive Slaves on the Atlantic and Southern Frontiers (Nathaniel Conley) 578
Coleman, The American Revolution, State Sovereignty, and the American Constitutional Settlement 1765–1800 (William K. Bolt) 799
Condon, Shays’s Rebellion: Authority and Distress in Post-Revolutionary America (Jonathan M. Chu) 158
Conroy-Krutz, Christian Imperialism: Converting the World in the Early American Republic (Jennifer Fish Kasay) 178
Cox, Boy Soldiers of the American Revolution (John A. Ruddiman) 790
Crabtree, Holy Nation: The Transatlantic Quaker Ministry in an Age of Revolution (Emily Conroy-Krutz) 360
Dowd, Groundless: Rumors, Legends, and Hoaxes on the Early American Frontier (Katherine Grandjean) 584
Ferraro, The Papers of George Washington: The Revolutionary War Series, Volume 23: 22 October–December 1779 (David Head) 787
Fraser, The Washingtons: George and Martha, “Join’d by Friendship, Crown’d by Love” (Cassandra Good) 785
Forret, Slave against Slave: Plantation Violence in the Old South (Sergio Lussana) 573
Grow and Walker, eds., The Prophet and the Reformer: The Letters of Brigham Young and Thomas L. Kane (Nathaniel Wiewora) 385
Harrison, A Powerful Mind: The Self-Education of George Washington (Kevin J. Hayes) 164
Haselby, The Origins of American Religious Nationalism (Hunter Price) 176
Haynes, Riotous Flesh: Women, Physiology, and...

