In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Volume Index


Carvalho, Susan. Donald L. Shaw, 1930–2017 241
López, Ignacio Javier. José M. Regueiro, 1939–2017 239
López, Ignacio Javier. Biruté Ciplijauskaité, 1929–2017 365


Anderson, Andrew A. Approaching Lorca’s Viaje a la luna: Structural Patterns, Symbolic Concatenation and El público 1
Aramburu, Diana. Resisting Invisibility: Lesbianizing the Public Space in Isabel Franc’s Emma García Stories 47
Barriales Bouche, Sandra. Jorge Guillén in Post-Exile: Reaffirming the Ethical Dimension of Poetry 393
Ceresa, Constanza. El Paseo Ahumada de Enrique Lihn: atravesando la fantasía del milagro económico chileno 173
Comparone, Loredana. Microscopy, Theatricality, and the Making of Cultural Consensus in the Short Fiction of Santiago Ramón y Cajal 69
Domingo, Irene. Rocío: ensayo de una mirada sobre los silencios de la transición 315
Fernández-Jáuregui Rojas, Carlota. The Footprint Fallacy: Celestina’s Resistance to Intention 371
Figueroa, Víctor. Colonial Commodity or Numinous Realm? The Representation of Nature in the Poetry of Luis Palés Matos 245
Gallo, Erin. The Political Becomes the Personal: Rosario Castellanos and the US Women’s Liberation Movement 295
García Guerrero, Isaac. Exhibición de atrocidades: andalucismo y degeneración racial española en Insolación de Emilia Pardo Bazán 441
Hasson, Or. Between Clinical Writing and Storytelling: Alfonso de Santa Cruz and the Peculiar Case of the Man Who Thought He Was Made of Glass 155
Hernández Castellanos, Camilo. El insecto y el maniquí: alegorías de la imagen post-mortem en Ensayo de un crimen de Luis Buñuel 111
Lesman, Robert. A Delirious Theatricality: The Question of Authenticity in Four Poems by Virgilio Piñera 133
López, Desirée. Los cuentos de Ibn ‘Asim (m. 1426): precedentes peninsulares de relatos españoles y del folklore universal en el siglo XV 419
Mateos, Ana. Domesticando el imperio: género y raza en Las españolas, americanas y lusitanas pintadas por sí mismas (1881–1882) 467
Park, Paula C. Wagner and Schoenberg in the New World: The Legacy ofGerman Musical Romanticism in Los pasos perdidos 271
Parmley, Nicholas M. Alfonso X’s Imagined Mediterranean Empire: Shipwrecks, Storms, and Pirates in the Cantigas de Santa María 199
Perret, Sally. “Fish and Trees Are Alike”: The Movement of Identity in Kirmen Uribe’s Bilbao–New York–Bilbao 23


Álvarez Castro, Luis. Los espejos del yo: existencialismo y metaficción en la narrativa de Unamuno (Francisco La Rubia-Prado) 342
Chávez, Daniel. Nicaragua and the Politics of Utopia: Development and Culture in the Modern State (Christine J. Wade) 356
Conway, Christopher. Nineteenth-Century Spanish America: A Cultural History (Víctor Goldgel-Carballo) 227
Fernández, Enrique. Anxieties of Interiority and Dissection in Early Modern Spain (Víctor Sierra Matute) 105
Foster, David William. El Eternauta, Daytripper, and Beyond (Héctor Fernández L’Hoeste) 346
Franco, Sergio. Pliegues del yo: cuatro estudios sobre escritura autobiográfica en Hispanoamérica (Margara Russotto) 350
Fuller, Amy. Between Two Worlds: The autos sacramentales of Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz (Glen Carman) 96
Garibotto, Veronica. Crisis y reemergencia: el siglo XIX en la ficción contemporánea de Argentina, Chile y Uruguay (1980–2001) (Eva-Lynn Jagoe) 492
Highfill, Juli. Modernism and Its Merchandise: The Spanish Avant-Garde and Material Culture, 1920–1930 (Susan Larson) 233
Howe, Elizabeth Teresa. Autobiographical Writing by Early Modern Hispanic Women (Hilaire Kallendorf) 230
Kimmel, Seth. Parables of Coercion: Conversion and Knowledge at the End of Islamic Spain (Claire Gilbert) 223
Lahr-Vivaz, Elena. Mexican Melodrama: Film and Nation from the Golden Age to the New Wave (Claudia Schaefer) 495
Martínez Pinzón, Felipe. Una cultura de invernadero: trópico y civilización en Colombia (1808–1928) (Héctor Hoyos) 489
McAleer, Paul R. Hybrid Identity and the Utopian Impulse in the Postmodern Spanish-American Comic Novel (Ignacio López-Calvo) 99
Ochoa Gautier, Ana María. Aurality: Listening and Knowledge in Nineteenth-Century Colombia (John Holmes McDowell) 102
Sanders, James E. The Vanguard of the Atlantic World: Creating Modernity, Nation, and Democracy in Nineteenth-Century Latin America (William Acree) 93
Scham, Michael. “Lector Ludens”: The Representation of...

